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Thread: Katrina devastated the south, gas 6 $ a gallon

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Seattle, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by mantis108
    I suppose God totally won this round and the super power state zero. Yep.

    The state of USA as a super power really is put to the test. How much more mistakes can it make before it totally collapses?

    Be well and be prepared, my American friends.

    all the government has to do now is not enforce its laws in the defense of it's citizens or be proved to have violated the trust of an important citizen and the document can be found to be inadequate.

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Upstate NY
    Quote Originally Posted by themeecer
    Kind of like how he was proactive when he was offered Bin Laden?
    I believe he was using a direct quote from Michael Moore. SimonM's just another preachy Canuck with a hockey stick up his butt. A contemptuous piffle. No worries.
    -Thos. Zinn

    "Children, never fuss or fret
    Nor let unreason'd tempers rise
    Your little hands were never meant
    To pluck out one anothers eyes"
    -McGuffey's Reader

    “We are at a crossroads. One path leads to despair and the other to total extinction. I pray I have the wisdom to choose wisely.”

    ستّة أيّام يا كلب

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Seattle, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by Royal Dragon
    many are farakhan muslims whom preach that there will be a racial economic war that starts durring a catastrophy. and that this kind of event is the sign from god to start the race war and wipe out the whites. who are the guys trying to help them? caucasian rescuers.

    Am I missing something here? Whites are HELPING blacks, and that is racial? There is something wrong becasue Whites are HELPING? That is seen as bad and the start of a race war? Help = war? White help = race war?

    It's well known on this board that I'm not too bright sometimes, but I just don't see how race is even remotely an issue here. And if it is, clearly it's god who sent the storm on the poor black community, Whites are trying to help. God clearly is the racists here, not us, we are helping.

    yeah, but that's part of what nation of islam teaches.
    I'm a statistics person. the general statements i made about different groups of people are generally statistically true for two thirds of the people in those groups. they are not stereo types, but rather statements of percieved truth backed by statistical analysis of surveys and thier cataloged responses. also, rescue workers tend to be of an economic grade higher in standard of living compared to the bulk of people serviced. despite what you think about our fine republic we are an elitist nation.

    oh, and, uh, God is a racist. he chose the hebrew speakers as his people. and everybody else wants in on the benefits of having a divine being kicking a55 for you without having to take on the responsibility required. sounds totally greek to me. I am not a racist but have heard neo nazi's refer to the covenant of abraham and god as being the desire of all people not a part of that tradition. because they are not a part of that tradition, or not allowed, is why they hate.

    nation of islam hates because it is part of thier ontology: thier belief in the world order as created by god that all the troubles of the world are created by whites. they tend to refer to whites as 'white devils'. thier apocalypse is full of images of the white devils comming as 'armed rescuers' in thier apocalyptic visions.
    Last edited by YuanZhideDiZhen; 09-02-2005 at 08:17 PM.

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sub. of Chicago - Downers Grove
    That is so ****ed up it' ain't even funny!
    Those that are the most sucessful are also the biggest failures. The difference between them and the rest of the failures is they keep getting up over and over again, until they finally succeed.

    For the Women:

    + = & a

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ZIM
    I believe he was using a direct quote from Michael Moore. SimonM's just another preachy Canuck with a hockey stick up his butt. A contemptuous piffle. No worries.
    Actually I came up with that on my own after reflecting on some footage I saw on the Daily show yesterday. And Zim, I know it's hard, but try to avoid personal attacks. They don't help your case one bit.
    Simon McNeil

    Be on the lookout for the Black Trillium, a post-apocalyptic wuxia novel released by Brain Lag Publishing available in all major online booksellers now.
    Visit me at Simon McNeil - the Blog for thoughts on books and stuff.

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    how did a traditionally southern baptist region turn into a bunch of muslim fundamentalists?

    "better to reside in hell knowing the truth than to be blissfully ignorant in heaven."

    "Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."- Doug Adams

    I dare you to make less sense!

    "Freeze?! You know if i drop the tooth fairy i'm only gettin' started mother****er!"

    "It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Right here, right now
    And thus spoke YuanZhideDiZhen "many are farakhan muslims" and lo all the southern baptists of the land became muslim fundamentalists. And he looked upon the straw man he created and said it was good.

    woot woot nik nik hut hut hut springtime

    Crackpot meter going off the scale sir!

  8. #98
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    I'm surprised at how many american media outlets are calling the people who are affected by the hurricaine "refugees".

    WTF? I thought they were americans. Now they are refugess in their own country?

    Refugee has a negative conotation associated with it. It is also indicative of non residents of a country.

    The time it took to get the appropriate aid lines in is unacceptable. Even W knows that.

    Out of 1.2 million residents of the city, the amount of people who are doing the desperation crimes and what not are relatively small in comparison. I don't understand why so many are so quick to blanket the whole city as thugs and looters. These types will appear regardless and shoulod be dealt with by the local law enforcement.

    I guess this has shown to be yet more hysteria on the part of americans and the media they receive.

    It really is a disgrace how it's being handled. The track needs to be straightened out now and fast.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  9. #99
    I have heard heartening stories.

    The coast guards were airlifting people from rooftops continuosly.

    The doctors were working without power and water for several days.

    The helicopters transported the patients first on the hospital rooftops.

    And the doctors and nurses were evacuated last.

    I have a few aquaintences working at Tulane Univ hospital.


    Neighbors helping neighbors. Food and water and medic people from nearby towns are arriving before the state or federal helps.


    Prayers go to all the family that are waiting to be helped.

    Prayers also go to the medic and guardsmen that are rendering assistance on the flooded areas.


    I used to live in the area for 5 years. I have friends in the area, too.

    I used to drive to a Cajun fishing village to buy a dozen of Cajun spiced crabs in season. I get to pick all the female crabs. Sometimes, I only had to pay 2.50 $ for them. It was the late 1980.

    I frequented the Burbon street for half shelled oysters and beer. I was practicing Chen Tai Ji along with the Jazz player and clowns on the street. And of course, the Mardi Gras, --

    Biloxi holds the Miss teen USA annual pageant.

    Gulfport has the busy port for oil shipping etc.

    Mobile has the battleship park and sea food.


    It is sad to see the whole city of N.O. is flooded.



  10. #100
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Upstate NY
    Quote Originally Posted by SimonM
    Actually I came up with that on my own after reflecting on some footage I saw on the Daily show yesterday. And Zim, I know it's hard, but try to avoid personal attacks. They don't help your case one bit.
    Whatever, Chuckles.
    -Thos. Zinn

    "Children, never fuss or fret
    Nor let unreason'd tempers rise
    Your little hands were never meant
    To pluck out one anothers eyes"
    -McGuffey's Reader

    “We are at a crossroads. One path leads to despair and the other to total extinction. I pray I have the wisdom to choose wisely.”

    ستّة أيّام يا كلب

  11. #101
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    #1) I'm a native of New Orleans.

    #2) New Orleans in particular, and Louisiana in general, is CORRUPT. Not "the Mafia runs the Garbage Company" corrupt....."African warlords stealing UN food and money" corrupt. Nagin got elected because he was the one who played the "victim politics" card hardest.

    #3) In the United States, disaster response is primarily the responsibility of local governments, then State, with Federal assistance coming in last (mostly bulk supplies and money). FEMA comes in and coordinates the seperate efforts. Louisiana, there was NO local or State effort. Nagin refused to use the considerable transport assets he possessed (several hundred school buses), because he would have had to ask Orleans Parish Authority. In other words, expend political capital. He refused to evacuate the hospitals when Acadia Ambulance offered to do it at cost. In other words, he gambled on Katrina turning East. He lost.
    The New Orleans Police Department is infamously corrupt and incompetent. It collapsed within 36 hrs. Then the cops began looting.

    The Governor, for her part, sat on her ass while New Orleans turned into a scene from Mad Max (only with colored folks). She would not allow the Louisiana Guard (minus the 256th Infantry Brigade, which is in Iraq) into the city under arms, as they would immediately begin shooting looters and gang members. The Adjutant General told her to **** off. So the Guard sat outside the NO city limits.

    #4) New Orleans has a massive criminal underclass, with extremely violent gangs. These are black gangs, mostly because 70% of the New Orleans population is black. The NOPD has never been able to seriously challenge these animals. When the cops fell apart and began looting and deserting, the gangs filled the power vacuum. These are the terrorists who are shooting at cops, rescue personnel and Guard helicopters. This nonsense will soon end, as the Guard has now, finally, been ordered (after the President had a come-to-Jesus talk with the Governor, who won't be getting reelected) in to restore order.

    Note: a sensitive subject, but a large part of why the Guard was not ordered in sooner has to do with white soldiers shooting black criminals, and how that plays on the news. No sooner had it happened than some retarded "rapper" bleats about how President Bush has ordered the Army to shoot all black people, everywhere. Although the look on Mike Meyers' face during Kanye West's screed was priceless.

    Lastly, after view the past 5 days of news footage, anyone who does not own a firearm by Monday is an idiot.
    Last edited by Wood Dragon; 09-03-2005 at 02:26 PM.
    SevenStar: It's hilarious seeing people's reactions when they see a big, black dude with a sword walking toward them.

    Masterkiller: Especially when they're at the ATM.

    WTF? How did we go from the White Haired Devil strangling and beating guys to death in a teahouse, to Mr Miyagi and Jhoon Rhee?

  12. #102
    Very enlightening post Wood Dragon. Being local I am sure you get a better view of things. Do you have any documentation to your views? I am not doubting them, but I like to have proof before I repeat some of your claims.

    themeecer actually shares a lot of the passion that Bruce Lee had about adopting techniques into your own way of 'expressing yourself.'
    (Nicest thing ever said about me on these boards.)

  13. #103
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by themeecer
    Very enlightening post Wood Dragon. Being local I am sure you get a better view of things. Do you have any documentation to your views? I am not doubting them, but I like to have proof before I repeat some of your claims.


    Absolutely no documentation at all. Only personal experience with the area, word of mouth from my fellow Guardsmen (Florida), and what I've seen on the News.

    edit: to give you an idea of the kind of incompetence we're talking about here:

    Knight Ridder Newspapers is reporting that the head of the National Hurricane Center (part of NOAA) had to call Nagin AT HOME Saturday night to plead with him to evacuate the city.

    "'I could never sleep if I felt like I didn't do everything that I could to impress upon people the gravity of the situation,'' (National Hurricane Center Director Max) Mayfield said. ``New Orleans is never going to be the same.''

    Link: . Registration required.

    Nagin didn't order the evac until the next day (Sunday). Katrina came ashore Monday 0630 local time.
    Last edited by Wood Dragon; 09-03-2005 at 08:20 PM.
    SevenStar: It's hilarious seeing people's reactions when they see a big, black dude with a sword walking toward them.

    Masterkiller: Especially when they're at the ATM.

    WTF? How did we go from the White Haired Devil strangling and beating guys to death in a teahouse, to Mr Miyagi and Jhoon Rhee?

  14. #104
    If Wood Dragon is correct, this has eliminated a lot of corruption. But at the cost of many innocent lives as well. Routing out evil, gangs, corruption, ect aways hurts the innocent too.

  15. #105
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Fallout
    If Wood Dragon is correct, this has eliminated a lot of corruption. But at the cost of many innocent lives as well. Routing out evil, gangs, corruption, ect aways hurts the innocent too.

    The criminals who dont get shot by the Guard or arrested will spread out to other cities, along with the refugees*. Just spreads the problem thinner over larger area.

    *-I predict most people will not return to the NO area, even if they do stupidly decide to rebuild a city that is primarily below sea-level. Look for NO to be about the population of Grand Forks, North Dakota.
    SevenStar: It's hilarious seeing people's reactions when they see a big, black dude with a sword walking toward them.

    Masterkiller: Especially when they're at the ATM.

    WTF? How did we go from the White Haired Devil strangling and beating guys to death in a teahouse, to Mr Miyagi and Jhoon Rhee?

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