The most skillful guy I've played with in a while would be a BJJ guy from Philly. He recently won advanced No Gi Grapplers Quest. We sparred lightly and rolled and he was abble to tap me a few times, but at the same time I had periods of dominant position when I would've been striking. It was a good match. We're planning on fighting soon, maybe this weekend. He just got back from training in Brazil. I have size and better stand up, he's much better locking on the ground.

It's a matter of if I can beat him good uptop or have the structure and power to hold off a lock long enough to belt him good. I'll let ya know how it goes.

Other than that, I've had some good success against TKD, Ju-Jitsu, JKD, Kung Fu, Wing Chun, Tiger Claw, Hapkido, boxing, wrestling (team mate of Mark Kerr) and two brawlers ... one of which was pretty tough with a hard chin. The levels varied from a few years of training with a recent turn on for this kind of fighting to 20 year+ instructor.

I don't know CJ, I don't think about it that much. Really. I just try to fight who I want to fight when I feel like it .... or at least ask. I know there are guys who I just can't compete with yet ... I know that. That's why I'm doing what I'm doing. I'm finding you have to build a certain level of inner rage, a fire, to really bash someone. It's not anger or hatred, it's just this darket feeling and I find possession of it has changed everything for me. And I spent the past week with a girl I was sweating for the time before this challenge and it did effect me. I should've been fishing and bashing a few trout on their head and focusing. If I was there mentally I probabaly would've been more provoking. Anyway, I need to build this fire with more experience before I can fight the very few folks that I really want to fight. After that I'll be satisfied to just improve my ability by training hard but that is some time away.
I used to play on Game but it's been a while. My rank varied on that from about 1535 to 1615 with dips into the high 1400s and low 1700s. It's a relative rank though, depending on the rank of your apponant. Sometimes a genious signs on at the issued 1400 and slaughters you. Sometimes a newbie will only play guys ranked 1300 and run up their rank to 1700 until they play a higher-skilled player carrying abum rank.

Either way I like to play. My money game is 5 minutes as black. Do that a few times and then switch colors.