Thanks Eric and everyone for your posts!

I have purchased a couple of the Lam Wing Kit’s books but didn’t realize that he had in print the 2 person Tan Tui. I’ve written to the but never received an answer of any kind.

As, for Master Gini Lau and Master Shum Leung I have some of their videos and have found a couple vcd from China on Wuhugiang and Gung Lek Kuen by Shen, Hui Li. Another Shaolin version vcd with a nice version of Kwan Yeung gwan but that’s about all I could find.

Here is my situation I learned the following forms of the ten fundamental forms from my Master before he moved. He taught only the following 5 and then went into teaching Mantis forms.

1) Tan Tui 12
2) Gung Lek Kuen
3) Jeet Kuen
4) 5 Tigers Slay the Lambs Staff
5) 5 Tigers Spear

But I’m missing the rest from the ten fundamental forms.

1) Da Zhan Quan
2) Jie Tan Tui
3) Baguadao
4) Taoquan
5) Dandaojingqiang

The Dazhangquan and Baguadao I found in Lam Wing Kit’s books but it would be nice to find someone that could teach them if not a video or vcd for reference to cross check with the books.

I have a small class in Southern CA and any help on business or art skill is greatly appreciated.

