Yes, the claims of interdimensional materials and residues that are unidentifiable by science...
I have "heard" these claims too.
I don't think anyone actually ever had "science" take a look at these claims and I think that no-one ever will. It will immediately de-mystify everything.

It is these claims that drift from the truth of Chi Kung practice that tick me off.

Chi kung is a natural and very real thing that affects and effects each practitioner in a positive way.
It does not need to be mystified, it does not need to be wrapped in mystery.Accept it or don't but don't try and make a silk purse from a sows ear.

many do this with all sorts of arts.
Kung Fu is overmystified as are many martial arts.
It's just knowledge to be gained and applied, it is not some big-quasi religious secret.

corruption of intent, spirit and thought is what leads to these behaviours in so called "masters".

I have always been of the opinion that the more trappings and outward expressions you surround yourself with, the less true skill you have.
This I have found to be a general truism.


Kung Lek