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Thread: Nei Jia Quan book is complete

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Atlanta, GA / Israel
    I was a hop gar practicioner, I'm in hsing i under one of pittman's students (Allan Carroll). I know there won't be any southern styles in the book, especially along the lines of a style like hop gar.

  2. #32

    book review/paul gale

    hi jess,
    i read your book and really enjoyed it. there are many things common to all of their outlooks. all of them seem to be high level practitioners..
    especially interesting was the chapter by paul gale. and the chapter on mr. woo was also good. he does sound like quite a character.
    i trained daily with paul gale for several years in arcata and gained a great deal on many levels. he is very real, can do what he teaches, and is an excellent teacher. to my knowledge, he is the only authorized teacher of james wing woo's family style (wing woo gar). reading paul's chapter was like being back in class-everything he says is his consistent message. it is all in the basics.
    if you get the chance to train with him, do it.
    empty your cup before you go.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    berkeley, california
    Hi Joe-

    Glad to hear you liked the book. I also got to train with Paul Gale for a couple of years in Arcata. I got a lot out of it. A great teacher and fascinating person. And you are right about the interview, it really captured his basic teaching direction. Stripping away the silliness leaves more time for the truly enriching aspects of training. Do you know my friends Stein and Jed from the pictures in the book? They've been there going on close to ten years.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    -JEss O

  4. #34

    training w/ Paul Gale

    hi jess,
    yes, i remember stein, and jed a little. i trained some with stein and had lots of fun smashing arms and doing the 8-count offensive/defensive form. i think you and i even trained a few times together, in summer, 99?? Is that you in the corner of the pictures, by the garage door? I was up in front by the wall.
    Anyway, yes, that interview is very Paul. The basics are strongly emphasized, and the longer you look, the righter he is. Great person, great teacher.

    P.S. In 99 I moved to the sierras (2 hours southeast of sacramento), and am presently looking for another teacher like paul. As you know, paul teaches southern gung fu and yang long form. That would be a good match, but I am also interested in Hsing-I, Bagua and I Chuan. Do you have any info on IMA teachers in sacto, or south or southeast of sacto? I can go ****her, just not as often.....

    again, great book. I have read several interviews twice, (not just Paul's). I wish I could meet/ train with several of these teachers, but live in the boonies.

    thanks for any ideas/help,

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Plymouth, MA
    Leo gave me the book for xmas, great stuff!
    Say hello to Bernie for me.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    berkeley, california
    Hi Buddy,

    I'm glad you got the book! Leo V is one of my biggest promoters! .
    Hope you and your clan are all well. Rainy here, but otherwise it's going well. Haven't seen BL in a while but will pass on your regards when I do. Take care and please fwd any comments on the book! I hope you like Luo Laoshi's interview, he was very candid and open with me. I think it captures some of his humor and insight.

    -Jess O

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    berkeley, california
    Hey Joe-

    I remember you from Paul Gales, glad to hear you are still into the MA game. I don't know anyone off hand in the Sac. area besides Gail Derin-Kellog in the book. She could teach you a lot, but I'm not sure if she is holding classes at the moment. If you want to swing by and practice with me and my friends some time let me know.

    Jess O'Brien:

    Take care,


  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Houston, TX

    Nei Jia Quan Book

    Good afternoon,

    I am excited about reading the book. I know it will be informative. My question is how did you get the book published? I am working on several pieces and would like them to be published. Can you share you experiences as well as how to get published?


  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    berkeley, california
    Dear Tai Ji Master:

    I worked as an editor for the publisher, and he agreed to publish my book. So in my case getting published was an easier process than for most writers.

    The way I see it is- only do a writing project on a topic that you truly love and enjoy. Do it whether it will get published or not. Otherwise your attention will lapse and the project will never get finished. Your best shot at getting others interested is if you yourself are interested and enthusiastic about it.

    Otherwise, all I can advise is to send it to as many publishers as you can and don't be discouraged.

    -Jess O

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I just purchased the book off of Since a friend just sent me a gift certificate for amazon, it worked out well. Looks like I good read; I can't wait to get started!!

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