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Thread: Cost of private lessons in HK and Guangzhou

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    San Francisco, CA, USA

    Cost of private lessons in HK and Guangzhou

    Hi all,
    I was wondering if anyone could suggest what would be considered a normal cost of private lessons in HK directly from an older master. I know the rate will vary, but what have the experiences been for any of you. Should one bargain in this area or would it be unheard of to talk price.


    "In heaven and earth no spot to hide;
    Bliss belongs to one that knows that things
    are empty and that man too is nothing.
    Splendid indeed is the Mongol longsword
    Slashing the spring wind like a flash of lightning !"

    Monk Wu-hsueh Tsu-yuan - Reciting as the Mongol sabers slashed towards him. The Mongols spared him out of respect. For no ordinary man recites a poem facing death.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    hello, the hung sing gwoon in futsan would be a excellent place to train. though i can't quote a price, we just present our grandmaster with a hung bao of what we can. if you are interested just shoot me an email at

  3. #3
    Have done it alot.

    I've generally made the offer of $100 u.s. Some teachers have said it was too much and gave some back while others just accepted it.

    Some teachers are very old fashioned and you have to give it in a red envelope while others (pardon the punn) put out the Buddha Palm.

    What are you looking to study? Have some connections in both locations so perhaps I can get you in the right direction.

    ex: $100 in HK for Hung Ga Chain whip. Met the guy for 3 days 2 hours each day. I also took him out to eat. Lots of detail provided such as body alignment and applications.

    $100 in Beijing for a Chuojiao set. The teacher didn't want to accept the money as he felt it was too much. Remeber the exchange rates. The further you go from beijing the cheaper alot of things are. So he accepted $75. Again alot of detail and applications.

    e-mail me if you have any specific questions

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