Originally posted by Gangsterfist
Its like I said earlier. Those throws were parlor tricks. I know from watching demos of akido and other grappling arts, that when you get flipped or tossed you go with it. In reality when someone cranks your arm the way it doesn't go you will drop right to the ground and something will probably dislocate. That is because there would be resistance and they would be fighting back

when you see like an akido master doing a demo people "go" with the toss. Its good tumbling practice and they do not get hurt that way. I have almost had my wrist broken doing chin na before and it hurt so bad I just fell to the ground. If I had flipped with the wrist lock I would not have been hurt, but I would be on the ground.

Also, just using akido as an example its a good system not dissing it
about the chin na. if you try to resist you can hurt yourself. ive been taught to go with it and try to flow into something else to counter it. could they be doing the same in the video? IDK.