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Thread: does Clf have ground fighting?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Wuhan, Hubei, China

    Python shape boxing…

    This is no joke, I once read about python style which is supposed to be the Chinese version of BJJ …

    I wonder where I read this again..

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Boca Raton, FL
    I think the CLF monkey set has some "ground" fighting techniques, but not in the traditional BJJ sense. CLF has cum la and various takedowns and sweeps, however I agree its more of a stand-up art. The focus is in no way shape or form to the ground like BJJ or even other takedown arts like judo or aikido.

    CLF is first and foremost a striking art. No art is 100% full proof everything has a weakness or two. To supplement some ground fighting (ie. submissions, grappling or whatever) is okay a helps make a person well-rounded to handle any situtation.

    That being said I am quite traditional and prefer the CLF itself.


  3. #18
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    Perhaps a semantic distinction needs to be made between:

    "Fighting from the ground"


    "Ground fighing."

    "Fighting from the ground" implies the following: You are on the ground either on your hands, your knees or back. Your opponent is standing. You are using primarily the legs to injure or fell your opponent. Example: Tai Shing Pek Kwar Monkey Boxing, Capoeira.

    "Groundfighting" implies the following. Both you and your opponent are on the ground, hands, knees or back. You are jockeying for the dominant position to execute a joint locking or submission technique. Examples: Wrestling, BJJ

    CLF may "Fighting from the ground" eg in the CLF monkey form. But I seriously doubt it has a form for "Groundfighting."

    Does that help clarify?

  4. #19
    Join Date
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    Tokyo, Japan


    I'm not saying MOST fights end up on the ground. I'm saying a lot more fights end up on the ground than some people think. In a lot of cases, skilled boxers and martial artists get taken down quite easily because, frankly, they think they are "too good to be taken down" or are just not expecting it. I've known many people who were quite proficient fighting on the street, and managed to keep it on their feet. Usually this was the case because BOTH PARTIES ELECTED to stay on their feet. I also know some rough guys who have a wrestling background. 9 times out of 10 during the streetfights I've seen them in or heard from others, when they wanted someone on the ground, it WENT to the ground. One of my seniors, who is much more skilled than I in CLF knows about my other training and even asks me to train with him sometime in takedown defense, because "(our friend) keeps taking him down and slamming him when they spar.

    In one case I was witness to, a friend of mine fought a TKD black belt who knew his stuff. After squaring off and trading some good shots, my friend, who was untrained in any combat arts but was filled with a "you stole my girlfriend" rage, instinctively clinched and tripped the TKD guy, quite easily if I may add. The TKD guy, who gave my friend a nice array of bumps and bruises and a couple of swift kicks to the head not only a minute earlier, had only this to offer as defense; a hearty array of expletives interspersed with "Get off me! Get off me!" Since my friend was untrained, he was unable to finish him in this position, but he knew well enough to use his limbs to block the TKD man's armpits so he could not use his hands.

    The above experience would have ended MUCH differently had one or both persons knew a thing or two about fighting on the ground. This was not a "set up fight", but happened out of the blue as we were driving and I stupidly (or not so) commented, "Hey, isn't that (your girlfriend) with that dude?

    As far as the forms, aggressive? Not at all. But it is all quite vague. I bet I could find moves in CLF forms that can help me climb trees too. But does that make it valid?

    Regarding Fu Pow's last comment; YES, that is what I mean. I've no doubt that some CLF and Monkey style techniques "fighting from the ground" have some obvious effectiveness, I just don't see them working on world class fighters, especially if they decide to engage you on the ground.
    Last edited by k-no; 04-20-2004 at 06:29 PM.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Tokyo, Japan

    Thumbs up In addition....

    Hey Eddie,

    Thanks for the luck, I'll need it. I stopped training (MMA) a few months ago because of business, now after tax time here in the US, I've recently started up again and am quite serious with it now. I'm training with a great bunch of guys who are all great at what they do. I've got a lot more things to learn and a whole hell of a lot more conditioning before I am ready, but I rolled with #1 ranked Shooto fighter Jake Shields who fights in Japan and he reckons if I come in regularly I should be ready to rock in 6 months. (By the way, he totally OWNED me on the mat) Let's see if my body can take all this abuse for that long!

    As an aside, I used to train with UFC fighter Eugene Jackson's guys. Not many people know this, but he was a Kung Fu man as well. So there you have a good representative of kung fu in MMA, although he used a lot of submission grappling techniques. If you watch his fight with Yamamiya in one of the UFC Japans, you'll see him use some switch step and punch technique, TWICE, connecting both times. Eugene told me that he was using a Mantis technique.
    Last edited by k-no; 04-20-2004 at 06:43 PM.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Wuhan, Hubei, China
    Actually, CLFNole has a point in his post. Many times, the same principles of Cum la (Chin na) can be applied when you are on the floor in a similar way as BJJ. What I am saying is, that once you understand certain concepts of locks etc, you would be able to apply them from just about any position, lets just imagine using cum la for a leg lock as an example. If you apply the rule that one goes over and one goes under, you should be able to make it on the floor.
    That being said, it takes some time getting used to fighting on the floor, and if you don’t regularly train this, it might not be so easy.

    Then again, I suppose if your ground boxing skill (like monkey style etc) is good, you should be able to ward of your attacker before he gets you into an uncomfortable mounting position or a typical BJJ position (fighting from the ground as Fu Pow said). I suppose, at the end, it all boils down to the individual.

    Personally, I like stand up fighting. One of my training partners is also a UFSA (SA’s version of the UFC) champion. It does happen that he gets me to the floor sometimes, but I have been able to ward of his advances with some quick side steps etc. When I do hit the floor, Im finished.

    CLF has a lot of sweeps and takedowns. Someone once told me that the idea behind kung fu throws and takedowns (coming from Mongolian wrestling) is to injure the opponent with the throw or sweep. If I happen to go down with my opponent, I try to fall so that I injure him in the process, hoping that it would end the fight.

    Im suddenly remembering a fight between Maurice Smith and some UFC fighter (think it was Conan something) where Maurice kept on warding of his opponents take downs, waited, and then followed up with a perfect round house kick to the UFC guy’s head, knocking him out.

    I always say, the fight will go to the one who wants it the most…

  7. #22
    Join Date
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    Wuhan, Hubei, China
    I don’t think many people realise how difficult it is to prepare for major competitive (and Pro) fights. Simply two hours a day is not enough, and then business can really impose on your training time. I am currently “serving out” a 6 months break (on doctors orders) but will be back in the ring by end of may if all goes well.

    Let us know when your fights are coming up. You have my support.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    I think the CLF grappling form you're referring to is the Ngoi Lem Pek Da Seui Sau Yum Yeung Kung, which is one of the secondary level forms taught in the Chan Family system.
    "Extra inch, extra power." -Tarm Sarm

  9. #24

    Re: does Clf have ground fighting?

    Originally posted by Clfhs4life
    personally i havetn seen a postion BJJ or any of the other styles that relie on ground work have any postions i cant bite, scratch, gouge etc so not really looking for techniques like that. ide maybe like to try my luck at a sport like ufc or similar so woudl need techniques that could be used in it.
    I haven't read this whole thread yet, so I guess I've got a lot of replying to do if there are a lot of statements like this. Grapplers thrive on taking away your space. you would be surprised at how little you can actually do when you are being controlled. as far as gouging goes, remember, if you can gouge, so can we. And if we have you controlled, it's much easier to do so. You can also knee, strike and elbow while on the ground in MMA matches, so we're not just holding you on the ground like we would in a bjj tourney. Things like scratching are trivial - nuissances, like pressure points are. And, even if you do try them, be careful HOW you do it, because extending your limb will get your arm broken.
    i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.

    -Charles Manson

    I will punch, kick, choke, throw or joint manipulate any nationality equally without predjudice.

    - Shonie Carter

  10. #25
    Originally posted by Fu-Pow
    Shui Chiao (possibly?).

    it doesn't.

    I'm sure I'll get flamed for this but contrary to what BJJ guys would have you believe, most fights do not "go to the ground." In fact if you are fighting against a traditional martial artist if you go to the ground you have probably already lost because you are going there on your head, or shoulder or hip! Or you are on the ground because you are physically incapable of standing.

    that statistic is based on non trained fighters - watch them. In many cases, one will try to tackle the other. Or, they are flailing, lose their balance, end up in a clinch and ultimately fall. I've seen it several times.

    I think that there is a false impression on these boards that you need "ground game" in order to be a "complete" fighter. I think this misconception is perpetrated by UFC and NHB type events. I've watched a few of these in my day. These guys (especially the BJJ) guys try to take the fight to the ground ASAP. Then they proceed to "hang on" and "ride" their opponent until he is purely exhausted more than anything.

    that's completely wrong. Most of these "bjj guys" also cross train in a striking style - if you keep it standing so will they. BJJ doesn't really NEED strikes, any more than strikers NEED grappling. BJJ self defense is based on the same things our competition is - eating your space. I will cover up, bob, slip, etc. your punches and shoot in on you, which kills the effectiveness of your strikes. strikers want to do the opposite - they want to keep more space and nail me with strikes.

    The problem that arose in the UFC is that strikers didn't know how to defend takedowns. It's easy to cover up and avoid strikes - Even if you hit me, I can get to you before you knock me out. From there, I can take you down. So strikers began cross training in grappling to learn takedown defenses and how to survive on he ground. Will you need that on the street against an untrained attacker? maybe not. Nor will the bjj guy need striking. But, you are training for worst case, which would assume that your attacker does have knowledge that you may not. Consequently, you cross train for "completeness".

    In the ring this is a great strategy, especially if you are fighting a bigger and stronger opponent. You just wear him out until you can make him tap out. But on the street you don't have time for have literally SECONDS!!

    once again, we can close before strikes knock us out. Once I'm in, you're mine. I don't care about wearing you out. Once I'm in, I'm throwing you, which will hopefully end it. If not, I beat you to a pulp, assuming no other attackers in the vicinity. If the opportunity presents itself, i.e. you are trying to defend against my punches and extend your arm, I trap it and break it. I don't care about a tap, and a break only takes seconds. Some of you guys gotta get out of the ring strategies that you see and remember that bjj can be used for self defense. It's hilarious how people say "I'll use my chin na and break your wrist" but they think bjj guys will wait for you to tap instead of breaking the limb...

    If you've ever been in a bar scrap or jumped by a couple guys at one time you have to deal with things very quickly and very efficiently. There's no time to "hang" on your opponent and wear him out.

    see above.

    There's very rarely even time to go to the ground.

    Okay, let's think about this one. you and I are having some drinks and some guys jump us. they take us both to the ground. I train bjj, so I know how to maneuver on the ground - reversals, strikes, etc. whereas you don't. Do you think you can get up faster than me if we have huge guys on top of us trying to cave our faces in?

    I've also studied Hung Ga and Chen Taiji and they don't have this concept either.

    Some people would say otherwise. Northern Lights taiji applies their tjq principles on the ground.
    i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.

    -Charles Manson

    I will punch, kick, choke, throw or joint manipulate any nationality equally without predjudice.

    - Shonie Carter

  11. #26

    Re: Re: CLF stand up

    Originally posted by Fu-Pow

    Are you talking about traditional martial artists or street fighters or boxer or people with zero training? It seems to me that street fighters can usually throw a pretty mean punch but lack "root" and so can easily be pushed or taken down.

    both. I've seen trained MA get tooled by streetfighters.

    It's just that the focus of CMA is not to go there in the first place...or that if you send your opponent to the ground that it is not to get on the ground with him

    and without training in avoiding takedowns, how do expect to consistently do so?
    i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.

    -Charles Manson

    I will punch, kick, choke, throw or joint manipulate any nationality equally without predjudice.

    - Shonie Carter

  12. #27

    Re: CLF Ground Fighting?

    Originally posted by k-no
    This reminds me of an article I read on Shotokan Karate "groundfighting" that mysteriously was not being taught in any Karate schools until quite conveniently, the advent of the UFC and it's similar sister promotions.
    Actrually, I've heard that some okinawan systems have alot of groundwork.
    i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.

    -Charles Manson

    I will punch, kick, choke, throw or joint manipulate any nationality equally without predjudice.

    - Shonie Carter

  13. #28
    Originally posted by Eddie
    Actually, CLFNole has a point in his post. Many times, the same principles of Cum la (Chin na) can be applied when you are on the floor in a similar way as BJJ. What I am saying is, that once you understand certain concepts of locks etc, you would be able to apply them from just about any position, lets just imagine using cum la for a leg lock as an example. If you apply the rule that one goes over and one goes under, you should be able to make it on the floor.

    it always irks me when people say things like this...

    That being said, it takes some time getting used to fighting on the floor, and if you don’t regularly train this, it might not be so easy.

    and this is the reason why. You have to train it on the ground. It won't just automagically transfer. There are different degrees of movement on the ground. you may be able to apply pressure to the back of my elbow and keep me under control if I'm standing, but on the ground, I will laugh at you and roll out of it, unless you are controlling my body also. The chin na that I've been exposed to emphasizes limb control, but not body control. On the ground, you must have both.

    Im suddenly remembering a fight between Maurice Smith and some UFC fighter (think it was Conan something) where Maurice kept on warding of his opponents take downs, waited, and then followed up with a perfect round house kick to the UFC guy’s head, knocking him out.

    I always say, the fight will go to the one who wants it the most…

    mo smith is a perfect example of a striker who cross trained in grappling.
    i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.

    -Charles Manson

    I will punch, kick, choke, throw or joint manipulate any nationality equally without predjudice.

    - Shonie Carter

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Right here, right now
    "Things like scratching are trivial - nuissances, like pressure points are."

    So I take it you don't believe in Dim Mak. Or is there insufficient room to manage a hard enough strike on a key area?

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Wuhan, Hubei, China
    ” that statistic is based on non trained fighters - watch them”

    Very few street fights are between ‘trained’ fighters. In these cases, often if the fight goes to the floor, its all over in any case. As I said before, I doubt that my mates (or the other people around) would allow my opponent to sit on me. Even if I was alone, and there were other around who doesn’t know me, someone would come in and ‘spoil’ your mount.

    ” I will cover up, bob, slip, etc. your punches and shoot in on you, which kills the effectiveness of your strikes. strikers want to do the opposite - they want to keep more space and nail me with strikes.”

    A good striker would be able to do just that, if someone is solid on his feet as fu pow explained, its not as easy to take him down as everyone makes it out to be. Then again, your strategy is exactly the same as mine, as CLF and other TCMA also have throws and take downs. In my personal opinion, throws are important. It usually ends of a fight.

    “Even if you hit me, I can get to you before you knock me out.”

    Not always, the fight I was referring to between Mo Smith and the grappler, the grappler had no chance to get close enough to Mo. First opportunity he had, he took the guy out. But this wasn’t the original topic. No one doubted the effectiveness of learning how to grapple, actually, I remember everyone supported this idea.

    “Consequently, you cross train for "completeness".”

    ” Once I'm in, you're mine. I don't care about wearing you out. Once I'm in, I'm throwing you, which will hopefully end it.”

    Isn’t that what we all would do?. If you can throw me hard enough to injure me, you won. Good san shou fighters rely heavily on throws and take downs. On a hard tar road or tiled bar floor, a throw can make the difference. We both agree on this.

    ” Do you think you can get up faster than me if we have huge guys on top of us trying to cave our faces in?”

    that’s exactly why most fights don’t always end on the floor. Tournaments differ from street fighting. I find it hard to believe you will have enough time to mount your opponent in a street fight. I can go as far as to say I have NEVER seen this happen in any street fight. But I still support BJJ, this threat was never against that.

    ” Some people would say otherwise. Northern Lights taiji applies their tjq principles on the ground.”

    Pardon me for my ignorance. I’m not really getting you on this issue. The question was, does CLF have ground fighting, and some of us (including myself) said no. We said, ground fighting differs from ground boxing, as most kung fu people think that ground boxing is sufficient to prevent you from getting trapped in a fight (when I speak of ground boxing, I refer to stuff like Ditang Chuan, Monkey style etc – when I refer to ground fighting, I refer to BJJ, wrestling etc). When I read your first few posts, I realised you are a MMArtist, but then in this last quote you seem to support traditional kung fu saying that taiji players would apply taiji principles in wrestling?

    ” and without training in avoiding takedowns, how do expect to consistently do so?”

    take downs and fighting from the ground is two different things. Traditional Chinese Martial Arts have plenty of take downs. CLF has many. I think I speak for the majority of Kung Fu players when I say we do train in avoiding take downs. We DON’T train to fight on the ground (or rather our styles don’t teach this).

    “it always irks me when people say things like this...”
    ” and this is the reason why. You have to train it on the ground.”

    All due respect, why don’t you finish reading the complete post before you reply. That way you would understand what is being said. I agree, kung fu lack ground fighting, but is it all that important as we say it is? I don’t know. The original question was, does CLF have ground fighting. Many of us said NO. Does CLF have take downs? YES it does. Plenty of it. How would a skilled CLF player fare against a skilled BJJ fighter? I don’t know, honestly I don’t care. Kung Fu is much more that just fighting, that’s why most of us do it.

    “ mo smith is a perfect example of a striker who cross trained in grappling.”

    The fight I was referring to, he didn’t grapple. Simple kickboxing won him the match.

    I have noticed that you have moderator privileges right? I’m just wondering why a MMArtist would want to be a moderator on a kung fu forum?

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