Yeah. I see what you mean. I disagree in this case. But I see what you mean.

I don't think Rogue is getting due credit here. (Nor do I think he's looking for any.) He observed what they were doing, formulated an approach, and implemented it. That ain't bad.

As for the other guys, it's easier for me to believe that they just didn't have the time in yet to make a smooth transition. When we're inexperienced, we try to fight our fight. When we've got more time in, we can fight the fight for what it is. My suspicion is that these guys didn't have that sort of experience. They wanted to fight their fight. Hang back and whack the hands. It's a common enough tactic in FMA to believe that they were relying on it too heavily. And that Rogue managed to throw a monkey in their collective wrench.

Stuart B.