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Thread: Challenge Match Stories

  1. #16
    Okay...So I admit it, after many years of Hung Gar I allowed my son and stepson to take TKD lessons at our local YMCA. They both really wanted to, and I caved in to them against my better judgment.

    Each time they went to class, the loudmouth head instructor attempted to embarrass me into joining the class. We discussed martial arts several times and I informed him that I was quite satisfied with my HG...But he wouldn't relent, even draggin his students into the conversations.

    Finally, after several weeks of obnoxious goading, I joined his class for one day. I stayed late for the "advanced class" while my boys sat on the sideline and watched. We went through thier forms, we went through thier pathetic self defense combinations, and finally we got to sparring.

    By this time, it was clear to me that the head instructor was getting ticked because I didn't have any trouble keeping up with his black belts. Sooo, the guy pairs me up with some young energetic Black Belt's to spar with, explains the rules (no punches to the face, no grabbing, no kicks below the waist, etc...) and tells us to go for it.

    I spend the next 20 minutes thoroughly pounding his top students around the gym simply by staying very close to them and slamming away with 5 element fists. I'm too close for them to kick, and they're constantly back peddaling... Now he's REALLY ticked off.

    Then he pairs me up with some of his older "more experienced" Black Belts (sure were a lot of them!!) who are treated to more of the same pounding, but also included punches to the face...This guy was so worked up I though he was going to wet himself.

    Finally, the Guy decides to spar me himself, stops the class, has them all watch as he....throws all his own rules out the window and trys to kick my a**.

    I end up clinching with him after a couple of exchanges where we trade blows...he wasn't bad, but couldn't deal with trapping or having his shots absorbed on my forearms. Anyway, from a clinch, I threw him. He landed flat on his back and just laid there looking as if I just slapped his mother across the face and she thanked me for doing it!

    After it was over I felt pretty bad about the whole thing, but he really pushed it. Needless to say my boys didn't want to go back...but hey, now they train in kung fu

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Boston, Massachusetts (United States)
    I seldom get into fights even though I'm always ready for one. Most of my fighting is in school with my classmates. But anyways, at one house party a year ago, I was drinking and in my buzzed state, I started doing kicks and jump kicks in the apartment for fun cause some of the people there were my friends and it was their place and knew I train Kung Fu so they let me be. I had just come from sparring class and after a session of full contact and throwing and being thrown, I was still pumped on fighting. While I was playing around, I was over hearing some guy talking bout his previous Tae Kwon Do training. I think he challenged me cause he saw me kicking around but I can't remember how it started cause I was slightly intoxicated. So we sparred a little. I started with testing him out with fakes. I found he couldn't move around too well and to me it was obvious this guy hadn't trained all that much. I threw various strikes at his head and kicks at his mid section and legs but holding back cause we weren't wearing any sparring gear. Eventually I moved around to a point where his back was facing the window and then I just slid in straight and sidekicked him (I'm holding back still) into the window. But the window didn't break cause he didn't really hit yet so he didn't fall out. The apartment was on the 3rd floor. I'm glad I held back cause what a lawsuit that would've been. But there was a Corona neon sign sitting on the window that broke when he stumbled back on it and it gave a bright flash. After that it was over and I said sorry. He got up and said "I haven't trained for a year." and walked away continued to talk to his friends. And my friends told me to sit down afterwards. The night ended quietly.

  3. #18
    Join Date
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    WRC Groupie
    "I haven't trained for a year."

    What a joke, you should told him that you wouldtake him on with just punches...I bet you could've taken him
    "Don't Focus on the Fingers or You will miss all the Heavenly Glory!"

    Morbicid-"Maybe some moves are made just so that, if u somehow manage to pull them off in a fight, u get some serious bragging rights.

    Many famous fighters have done this (roy jones jr, chuck norris, Morbicid, etc)"

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Boston, Massachusetts (United States)
    Yeah I could've trap and seal his hands/arms and slap him the face several times. But I was in a kicking mood and it felt more like playing around than any serious sparring.
    Last edited by Ren Blade; 02-03-2004 at 01:00 PM.

  5. #20
    There was this one time i was in a toy store looking for plastic nunchucks and swords to practice with and there was the most annoying little girl in the doll section crying and falling around everywhere knocking **** over chucking a spaz shouting and crying that she wanted some stupid barbie doll. So i went and did a roundhouse kick to her face and then uppercutted her chin.

  6. #21
    Originally posted by dodger87
    There was this one time i was in a toy store looking for plastic nunchucks and swords to practice with and there was the most annoying little girl in the doll section crying and falling around everywhere knocking **** over chucking a spaz shouting and crying that she wanted some stupid barbie doll. So i went and did a roundhouse kick to her face and then uppercutted her chin.
    Should have used a head butt to her nose...that'd give her something to cry about!

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    ...or push her down and stomp on her legs...that will teach her to be a child
    CPA's current P4P List:
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    -Lester Moonvest

  8. #23
    Originally posted by dodger87
    There was this one time i was in a toy store looking for plastic nunchucks and swords to practice with and there was the most annoying little girl in the doll section crying and falling around everywhere knocking **** over chucking a spaz shouting and crying that she wanted some stupid barbie doll. So i went and did a roundhouse kick to her face and then uppercutted her chin.
    I had to get braces because of you.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Ontario, Canada
    Not sure I'm buying Iron's story. Sorry if I'm wrong, if so then you handled yourself well, but I'm not really feeling it.

    I think I have the lamest challenge match yet. It was a few years ago, I was a senior in highschool, and I said something to **** off some guy in our group (not really a friend). So the guy challenges me to a "grappling match".
    I told him I thought it was a stupid idea, and said sorry if what I said bothered him, but then he started in with the ***** talk, jokingly of course as we were "kinda" friends, but a guy can't back down from that.
    Now this guy is a year younger than me, a couple inches shorter, and about 40 pounds lighter. I make him aware of these facts, but he doesn't care. He then adds some rules, no striking or choking. I guess he did care a little
    So we go outside, only 2 of our friends follow to watch (more his than mine, mine thought it was as lame as I did), and it starts. It was obvious he's watched a bit too much WWF as he came at me with his arms up as if we were going to grapple each other like in a video game. So I just grabbed his arms and tripped him to the ground. I really had a lax attitude towards the whole thing, so I let him get back up, and he came at me again. I just pushed him back and swept out his feet, went down with him and put him in a kind of lame leg/arm lock. I didn't put too much pressure on it, I didn't want to hurt him. Clearly he thought we were rehearsing for monday night RAW. I was just hoping he'd give up, but he didn't and after a couple minutes I just let him go, immediately he pounced on my leg and put on an ankle lock, which really hurt for the half a second he had it on me. It was easy to get out of, I just turned my body in the direction he was twisting. So we got back up again, I sweeped him down again, and got him in another weak lock. I had no idea how to make him feel any pain that wouldn't do any damage without choking him, which was against his rule. So I let go again and we decide to end it.
    Later I hear several reports of my getting my ass kicked by this kid. Apparently he told some people that I was kicking him "like a girl" (the leg sweeps) and he finished it with the ankle lock. Wtf? So I talk to him about it, and he seems to believe his own BS. We go outside one more time (at his suggestion no less), he stops in an area where no one is and suggests we do it here, and I point to where a lot of people were hanging out and tell him we're doing it there. He clearly started to look afraid, but followed me. So this time I didn't mess around, I went right for him, pushed him off balance (was more of a strike than a push), spun him around and pulled him down on top of me, put my arm around his neck in a sleeper style hold, and told him to tap, which he did.

  10. #25
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    Aug 2003
    I hate people who distort the truth. My roommate (who is also a MAist) was chillin' with a couple of friends in the training room. One guy who is a couple of years older, a lot smaller, a very much a weak fighter decides to show my roommate a lock. My roommate complies and lets him apply the lock. The guy takes my roommates legs out while locked. My roommate dislocated his shoulder and the guy told everyone he beat him up. When confronted he denied the whole situation and swore up and down he never said anything...chump.
    CPA's current P4P List:
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    -Captain Jack Sparrow
    -Cindy Lauper
    -Lester Moonvest

  11. #26
    Originally posted by CaptinPickAxe
    I When confronted he denied the whole situation and swore up and down he never said anything...chump.
    Sounds like your friend needs to initiate a new challenge match...

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I think he did the right thing...Scrubs who make up such lies are not worth the time. The reason they lie is to convence themselves they aren't as big of pussies as they really are. That or they can't come to the reality that there are people out there that can easily beat them up. Its the whole ego thing, and giving him a second chance would only feed it. Besides, its already known that he can chew him up even with a dislocated shoulder.
    CPA's current P4P List:
    -Bas Rutten
    -Captain Jack Sparrow
    -Cindy Lauper
    -Lester Moonvest

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Boston, Massachusetts (United States)
    That's fugged up. A dislocated shoulder is no joke. So the plan was just to show a lock. And so your friend lets him lock him. And then takes out his legs without warning dislocating his shoulder? He must think he was some tough guy taking out someone's legs because your friend was being cooperative. Did your friend dislocated or took care of the fool afterwards? What goes around should come around.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Karma seems to bare its ugly face in the long run...His jaw was wired shut for 2 months. Which had nothing to do with my roommate, just karma catching up.
    CPA's current P4P List:
    -Bas Rutten
    -Captain Jack Sparrow
    -Cindy Lauper
    -Lester Moonvest

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    I worked at a martial arts supply store several doors down from a dunkin donuts where a lot of drunk and homeless hung out. One night a drunk guy around late 30 something yrs old comes in and grabs a samurai sword off the shelf. While holding the sword he looks at all the weapons on the wall, holds out his arms and says proclaimingly "Toys!". Then he says "You, you grab one of these weapons, we're gonna fight, I'll kick your @ss". I said "Your gonna kick my @ss?" to which he replies "I'll kick your @ss, I'll kick anyone's ass!" then grips the sword like a bat. To which I say "well that's not what Tony said, he said he'd wup you."
    He says "What? who said that?" I said "Tony he's right down at dunkin donuts right now, says he'd wup your @ass" He says "Tony where? where's Tony:=?!" I said hes right down at dunkin donuts" He dropped the sword and went out the door and turned towards dunkin donuts. A few minutes later one of my classmates walks in and tells me some drunk guy fell inbetween two parked cars and passed out a few doors from dunkin donuts.

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