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Thread: Sifu Paul Whitrod's book!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Plymouth, UK

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    All Seasons

    Paul's Book

    Hi David, I don't know Paul Whitrod, but I aplaud his effert's to bring this little known art to the public. The time for so-called "secret" martial art's is long past. As my Sifu is fond of saying, " What good are "secret" martial art's when they can shoot you from mile's away?". SPM has gotten way to much bad publicity over the year's from immature individual's that have trained little and talk to much. SPM is not the see all, end all of Chinese Martial Art's, but rather should be seen for the no-nonsense approach it take's to combat. Hopefully more people will open up and come forward that truly have something of worth to say. Actually, I hate to make any remarks about SPM because they seem to have a way of turning into a 'Flame War". I think it's time for the SPM community to put aside all the petty squabble's and try to repair the damage caused by a few malcontent's in the system.
    Last edited by Chin Chung Cao; 01-07-2004 at 04:02 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Winnipeg, Manitoba

    Smile Congratulations!

    Hi David,

    I just sent you a message through this forum's email.

    Congratulations to Sifu Whitrod on this great accomplishment - the Hakka martial-art community is still poorly recognized in the West, but due to the efforts of your school and a few others who are willing to take such a risk, the Arts are growing and becoming more established with every generation!

    All the best in the new year!!!

    Ao Qin

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Plymouth, UK


    Well, it seems I'm not the only one who's excited/relieved to see this book finally out! I'll be gutted if he sells all of them before I get mine!

    A couple of things raised in pm's should be clarified here...

    1. Paul Whitrod is my teacher's teacher, the only time I train with him is at the occasional seminar. I have nothing to do with the publishing of the book.

    2. To order, the correct way to address an envelope from overseas is as follows: -

    Praying Mantis Kung Fu
    27 Romford Rd
    E15 4LF

    Rgds All & Happy New Year,

  5. #5

    Question Delivery

    Hi all,
    Does any one have any idea of how long the book takes to be delivered? Hate to be a pain, but i've been waiting for two weeks and I live in London. Maybe i'm just being impatient, been waiting for this book for a long time .
    Thanks to Sifu Paul Whitrod for finally getting his book out, and Chow Gar into public view.
    - Bao.
    Many that live deserve death, some that have died deserve life. Can you give it to them Frodo? - Gandalf the Grey

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Plymouth, UK
    Bao Jong, if the book was released on 22nd December, how many working days do you figure there've been since then?

    I know I was already on holiday then and this is my first day back dealing with stuff.


  7. #7


    Yeah...Um I knew that.
    Many that live deserve death, some that have died deserve life. Can you give it to them Frodo? - Gandalf the Grey

  8. #8
    the website says only 1000 copies printed. So will that be it? 1000 and no more? Or will there be additional printings if the demand is great?
    ...don't think you are, know you are...

  9. #9

    Sifu Whitrods book

    Congratulations to Sifu Whitrod for all his time and effort to bring this art to the public, I understand how hard it actually is after trying to publicise and get our school seen and heard..


    hey bao jong, hope to see you training soon new start for 2004

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Plymouth, UK
    Originally posted by Falcor
    the website says only 1000 copies printed. So will that be it? 1000 and no more? Or will there be additional printings if the demand is great?
    Who knows but I fear the worst. I long for the day when you can pick up an spm book in the high-street shops...

    I heard there are 10,000 Chow students/practitioners around (seems a high number to me) and you can multiply that by ten if you include other mantis styles and related styles eg southern dragon, white eyebrow. That's a lot of potential buyers.

    Multiply by ten again if you include npm ppl who buy it by mistake.

    Counter that with the fact it's not advertised...


  11. #11

    sifu whitrods book

    hey Bao jong.....

    Don't want to worry you but I know that the initial 1000 books have already sold out... but he is ordering more batches so anyone who is wanting one I wouldn't leave it too long..... got my cheque in the post and have my fingers crossed... good to see the interest though....


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Sold out!

    Bloody hell, they went quick didn't they!

    Guess there goes any chance I have of getting hold of one...

    And Mr Mantis-1 and Bao Jong, hope you both had a good Christmas and New Year...

    Phu Le

  13. #13
    Hey phu hope life is treating you well over there... well not too well lots of chy sau by any chance? Heard it was going well........
    Sifu Whitrod is ordering some more so I think that as long as the orders are coming in he will keep getting more printed, our hungarian friends are very interested in getting hold of a copy as well..... hope you enjoyed x mas and new year or will the real celebrations start on the 22?

    keep up the training we are expecting you to come back and show us how it is really done....


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Swindon, England
    Paul Withrod used to do a huge range of videos. Are these still available?
    "The man who stands for nothing is likely to fall for anything"

  15. #15

    sifu Whitrods videos

    Yeah they are still available from the same address as in Davids last post (providing you know what video you want) or from

    there is quite a selection and they are pretty good...


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