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Thread: other's kung fu

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Western MASS


    Originally posted by tao of wushu
    Yes then..... Now......... BROTHER it is good to see you AH HA HA HA HA HA ( echo echo echo )
    your skill.... is quite good now..... your time at Wah Lum was good.... AH HA HA HA HA HA ( echo echo echo )
    BROTHER lets go to Lan Su Yuan for Jasmine tea.... we fight, and combine our techniques to create the secret manual!....
    Yes, THE WORLD WILL BE OURS!!! ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ( reverb, echo )
    We should mark it, so the fake schools can not get the true core.... Muahahahahahaha ( reverb, echo )

    is that sarcasm?

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    the state of bliss



    COOL... dragon pearl technique

    AH HA HA HA HA HA HA ( synthesizer SFX )

    OK ... then. . . now...

    GOOD BYE. . . ( echo, reverb, synth SFX)
    "he listened to the devil and learned that EVIL KUNG FU... but he saved the temple"

    -arhats in fury

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    So. Oregon

    Re: BROTHER...

    Originally posted by Roc Doc

    COOL... dragon pearl technique

    AH HA HA HA HA HA HA ( synthesizer SFX )

    OK ... then. . . now...

    GOOD BYE. . . ( echo, reverb, synth SFX)
    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA..........
    Until later......then....BROTHER......

    GOOD BYE...
    館術國勇威 Wei Yong Martial Arts Association
    戰挑的權霸統傳 The Challenge for Traditional Supremacy
    What is 'traditional kung fu' ?
    Chinese fighting arts developed before the advent of the modern age in China. Not to be confused with modern, post-1949, Wushu or competitive fighting such as kick boxing .
    By Shanghai Jing Mo

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    So. Oregon
    Shaolinlueb: No!


    The Sifu has the right to give the esoteric transmission to whom he please.........

    館術國勇威 Wei Yong Martial Arts Association
    戰挑的權霸統傳 The Challenge for Traditional Supremacy
    What is 'traditional kung fu' ?
    Chinese fighting arts developed before the advent of the modern age in China. Not to be confused with modern, post-1949, Wushu or competitive fighting such as kick boxing .
    By Shanghai Jing Mo

  5. #95
    It is his right as a free individual...but it is still dishonest and does a diservice to the art and student.

    ...ask for Kam
    "Fool me once, then shame on you. Fool me twice, then shame on me"

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Science City Zero
    GHD's taken the correct, locked it in his basement, and has nicknamed it "the Gimp."
    BreakProof BackŪ Back Health & Athletic Performance

    "Who dies first," he mumbled through smashed and bloody lips.

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    So. Oregon
    Dude, let it go. My teacher and I have both stated our opinions on here. If you don't like what we've said, I'm sorry. As my teacher said, Lam Sifu has the right to do what he wants. That's fine, doesn't make it right, doesn't make it wrong, but it's still there. Despite what you say, trying to make us look dishonest, it won't happen.

    It's Christmas Eve. It's time for happiness and joy. Stop kicking the dead horse....I've said what I've said, and this is where I end. You're going to keep this going forever, I can tell. I'm not. I have to much to do and don't feel like dealing with the childish bullsh!t. Get over it, move on, and have a Merry Christmas!

    館術國勇威 Wei Yong Martial Arts Association
    戰挑的權霸統傳 The Challenge for Traditional Supremacy
    What is 'traditional kung fu' ?
    Chinese fighting arts developed before the advent of the modern age in China. Not to be confused with modern, post-1949, Wushu or competitive fighting such as kick boxing .
    By Shanghai Jing Mo

  8. #98
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    the state of bliss

    welcome to cold hell....

    you don't feel lucky and fortunate to study with a real sifu who can teach you authentic kung fu?
    who are you to shop for a sifu? what is this Mc Dojo?
    if you are comfy calling a kung fu master dishonest, you deserve a fast food teacher.
    sifu is the master not you
    you are the (lucky) student now shut the f*** up
    "he listened to the devil and learned that EVIL KUNG FU... but he saved the temple"

    -arhats in fury

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Tornado Alley

    I do concur-

    Well said Doc! I do agree 100%. Couldn't have said it better myself-

    I don't think some people get the point of having a real sifu. I also don't think that some people understand that when Sifu speaks, they listen. Oh well, you know the saying......"Kung Fu Lousy".

    ~Wen~ all those who mater in life, have a safe and Merry Christmas! Hope you have a good one and get everything you want!
    The greatest thing about me is that I know that I am the ONLY one that knows the truth about all! Damo lives within me, and me ONLY - for there is nobody that knows the truth more - so stick that in your pipe and smoke it sparky's!!!

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    The beast under your bed.
    You also have to take into consideration however, the fact that there are sifu's out there, teaching because they had no other way to make a living. There are sifu's teaching complete crap out there, and there are people wasting money on it. Thats what McKwoon is. Thats what McDojo is.
    However.... I am very grateful that I have such a bad ass sifu. And I get to train for free, so whoever said you get what you pay for... you are wrong.
    "i would show them 8 hours of animal porn and beheadings in a single sitting then make them write a paper about italy." -GDA
    "he said there were tons of mantids fornicating everywhere. While he was there, he was sending me photos of mantis porn regularly." - Gene Ching

  11. #101
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Central, NY
    Originally posted by Meat Shake
    I am very grateful that I have such a bad ass sifu. And I get to train for free, so whoever said you get what you pay for... you are wrong.

    Since my sifu teaches me for free also.I have to agree 200% with that statement!

    Sil Lum Hak Fu Mun
    RIP Kuen "Fred" Woo (sifu)

  12. #102
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Ill let you know nxt sign post I find

    Thumbs down

    There is something very disturbing or enlighhtening occuring here. With all the ego flying around and taking into account the fact existence of marked sets and their place in preserving the art from being defiled or abused by unworthy students...and bearing in mind the number of sifus and grandmasters of nothing walking around today...this disscussion speaks for itself. I guess I will have to stand alone here because I WILL seek only a sifu I think has something worthy to teach....where ever that tkes me....otherwise I learn more on my own. You can all stay hung up on sets , forms and sifus that were never coplete in the first place...before publicly acknowledge marks..and the rest of us will continue as we started...Cheers

  13. #103
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    the state of bliss

    fading kung fu...

    this article should interest everyone;

    "he listened to the devil and learned that EVIL KUNG FU... but he saved the temple"

    -arhats in fury

  14. #104
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Uh, the original argument was in regards to a smart ass post that xie li wong made in regards to a set i was doing. But he is king of trolls so....

    Wushu chic has apparently always carried a special burr up he butt just for me because I am a sanctomonious twit (I think this means she doesn't like being corrected*shhh :-) )

    I don't know how it got into a "i can kow tow better than you" fest, but ok.

    I am aware of "school bows". The entering bows that identify your school, or what not. What I am arguing is that I don't think this marks the set itself. It's an opening, or a closing.

    I also disagree with wc/xlw/and tow's observation that I learned the set from lam kungfu. I didn't. I don't think my sifu did either simply because he was doing bsl before there were any tapes going around.

    Let's talk tapes though for a second.
    Why make em if they can't be learned from? Why mark sets? If the set is out there, it's out there. It is just as easy to have some student in your school, who still can't perform with any real worth.

    Whereas there are some out there who can learn easily from a tape and outperform peopl who are learning direct from the teacher.

    I would say, that this in fact happens more often than maybe some of you would like to think.

    Why would it even matter? Where someone learned from? What is the point of complaining that Kungfu is spreading? That is what I am having a problem with.

    This is where "traditional" = "stupid" for me. I'm sure some of you agree and some disagree. BUt ultimately in the end it doesn't matter. Kungfu can only be glimpsed through something like forms performance (or it can be hidden as well ie:hide strength, show weakness).

    Real Kung fu is not found in set performance is all I'm saying. It's found in the general synopsis of ones life. And when we're in a box, it matters even less.

    so on that note, happy holidays! drive safe, don't drink too too much. cheers
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  15. #105
    Originally posted by tao of wushu
    Dude, let it go. My teacher and I have both stated our opinions on here. If you don't like what we've said, I'm sorry. As my teacher said, Lam Sifu has the right to do what he wants. That's fine, doesn't make it right, doesn't make it wrong, but it's still there. Despite what you say, trying to make us look dishonest, it won't happen.

    It's Christmas Eve. It's time for happiness and joy. Stop kicking the dead horse....I've said what I've said, and this is where I end. You're going to keep this going forever, I can tell. I'm not. I have to much to do and don't feel like dealing with the childish bullsh!t. Get over it, move on, and have a Merry Christmas!

    Thanks...I did and am (Have a merry Christmas)...same to you
    Now for the nitty gritty.
    Did you not comprehend my last post...I said a teacher has the right to do what they want (with the art they do), but I do not agree with teaching one student the 'real' set and another student a changed set and not being above board about it...and that, man, is my opinion...and my given right to express it. As well, I am the one saying Gene's Sifu has not done that...he just teaches sets in an honest way. If you and your sifu feel dishonest, then that is due to your own actions and not due to anything I have said. As far as a dead is you, your sifu and sister who keep living this thing. I can just imagine any of you in a 'real' fight...the opponent kicks out some of your teeth and breaks your nose with superior technique and skill..and what do you say to him..."Get over it, let it go"
    Man, get real. I am not trying to make anyone look dishonest...but facts are facts...if you have a set for one student and teach a modified one to another and pretend to that student that it is the real stuff...then that is plain dishonest...Law 101. Also get real and trust Gene's word regarding his sifu and the tapes

    No hard feelings...but the plain truth is just that.

    The majority of CMA's is passed down through it's sets and application...that is the core of the pass it down correctly and honestly. As far as attaining kung fu in that takes good teaching, some inate skill and time.
    Merry Christmas and have a good holiday.

    ...ask for Kam
    "Fool me once, then shame on you. Fool me twice, then shame on me"

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