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Thread: Knee and Hip Stress

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brandon, FL

    Unhappy Knee and Hip Stress

    The week before Thanksgiving I went to my lesson at Brandon Kung-Fu and Tai Chi. Sifu Stephan put us through our paces on that one. Special emphasis on low-stance-to-bow-stance combos and extended horse stance-to-horse stance splits in particular left my legs aching pretty bad.

    I then did something that I will regret at least for the next month or so. I went to my night job. This was a totally optional move on my part, of course, but I think the 9 hours of extra knee strain (working at the local grocery store stock crew to make a little extra "Holiday" money) after really messed me up. I now have some difficulty throwing any kick that uses the knee (front snap, roundhouse, side kick, you name it.) any higher than chest level. After the kick, I would feel a dull pain in the hip and knee of the kicking leg, and a slightly lesser pain in the hip and the back of the knee of the supporting leg.

    Sifu Jimmy advised me to do a belt-stretch to help restore the muscles to proper working order, and I've been trying to work out my quads and abs to alleviate stress from the knee. Also sticking to stretch and crescent kicks for now. Can anyone else suggest anything I might not have tried?

    Also, it might be my imagination, but I think my right kneecap is "floating" more than usual (sit with your leg extended out on the floor, now gently move the kneecap... that's what I mean.)
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  2. #2

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