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Thread: Critique This Technique

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kansas City, KS
    Actually, I agree with CSN. I think you'd have a pretty hard time turning toward the elbow on a guy with arms like that, and locked in like that. So, while it would be risky to go towards the elbow, I'd be shocked if it were possible on that guy, with the hold the way he has it there, unless he let it happen. Albeit, I could be wrong.

    And elbows are not all that likely to make this guy give up his position. You're almost stuck seeking to save your keister by altering the guy's position, because the lock is on, it's not like you've caught it before it was secure.

    One way we do it in six elbows, and it might not be the best, but it seems to work, is to step behind like I said before, turn away from the elbow, while immediately putting your arm up almost like a boxer covering your ear, but with the elbow higher. Continue turning, using the side of your arm/elbows to press against to torso of the bouncer. This may not put you in the perfect position, but it can sometimes break the choke, because it tends to unbalance the guy, since his upper body is being pressed backwards a little by your elbow, pushing his center over the leg you moved behind him.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Playa Jobos, Puerto Rico
    MP, does BJJ train nerve chokes?

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Oakland, CA
    Never heard of one. Sounds suspiciously like some sort of accupressure type job. Not big on that sort of thing, myself.
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    "A stupid man's report of what a clever man says is never accurate because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand. "--Bertrand Russell

    "Liberals - Cosmopolitan critics, men who are the friends of every country save their own. "--Benjamin Disraeli

    "A conservative government is an organised hypocrisy."--Benjamin Disraeli

  4. #19
    Never heard of one. Sounds suspiciously like some sort of accupressure type job. Not big on that sort of thing, myself.
    MP, maybe like digging your fist/knuckles into the side of the neck/artery.... on an ezekiel for example.

    ...or maybe not

  5. #20
    don't like the look, or dependability of the rear choke when done this way. despite how stong the cop is this lock can be escaped much easier than the modified version of the rear choke , also known as the sleeper.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    In addition to being the logical thing to do,turning AWAY from the elbow would put the choked to the choker's centerline and give him that split second to breath,circulate and draw the officers weapon,that would cause him to turn loose very fast.

    But being an Oakland fan sweetpea there is probably about to cream his jeans and having the time of his life.
    Last edited by tnwingtsun; 10-08-2003 at 09:42 AM.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    All of these escape explanations are great... cept that no one really seems to be thinking that there are bleachers inhibiting your ability to step.

    Turning chin to the elbow would immediately put pressure on his left coronary artery(Thats the right artery, right?) Blood chokes DO work waaay faster...
    Best bet is to take leverage off the neck, and tumple the cops azz over the bleachers that are already about to basically sweep him for you.
    "In choosing your dwelling, know how to keep to the ground.
    In cultivating your mind, know how to dive in the hidden depths.
    In dealing with others, know how to be gentle and kind.
    In speaking, know how to keep your words.
    In governing, know how to maintain order.
    In transacting business, know how to be efficient.
    In making a move, know how to choose the right moment.
    If you do not strive with others, you will be free from blame."
    -Lao Tzu, Tao Teh Ching
    An eye for an eye leaves the world blind.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lone Star State

    Lightbulb hey i have an IDEA

    lets all of us texas peeps who live in a fairly close radius to one another go to the park and choke each other and try to find ways to escape it. we can then go have a beer and some fajitas afterwards at "Curras grill"(which is awesome tex mex).

    you know its hard to really explain how something should be done unless it is tested. i mean reaction time is a factor and it would seem from the pic that the cop got it in fast enough to lock down on the guy. HOWEVER,,,,there might be a chance to attempt something. but you know when i think about it,,,this is a cop,,,,he is arresting someone who is apparently deserving of arrest. to fight the cop by trying some thing like what tnwingstun suggests is by far the dumbest thing you can do with a cop. i am sure that if you tried to work your way to go for his gun that he might let you go but he aslo might draw and fire on you as well.

    SO how about another Meeting of minds and choke holds in the park? waddaya say texas peeps. im game for it if others are.
    (note: this aint no challenge thing and it sure as hell isnt an invitation to go brawling and spouting off who is better than who)

    we have done things like this before and it turned out okay although the last time guys like me and CSN and GGL and others met, we got rained on.
    So anyway its out there if you guys are interested.
    It makes me mad when people say I turned and ran like a scared rabbit. Maybe it was like an angry rabbit, who was going to fight in another fight, away from the first fight.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Im up for whatever.
    Id like you to show me a little bit of qigong too, actually.
    this weekend is no good tho, BOB MARLEY FEST MOFO!

    Its like a stoner crimmus party.
    Oh yeah... remind me once the time is right... I have great crimmus poems.

    At zilker or what? I havent been there in ages... Any weekend but this one, or the 30th/31st is good for me. CPA will probably be comming as well.
    "In choosing your dwelling, know how to keep to the ground.
    In cultivating your mind, know how to dive in the hidden depths.
    In dealing with others, know how to be gentle and kind.
    In speaking, know how to keep your words.
    In governing, know how to maintain order.
    In transacting business, know how to be efficient.
    In making a move, know how to choose the right moment.
    If you do not strive with others, you will be free from blame."
    -Lao Tzu, Tao Teh Ching
    An eye for an eye leaves the world blind.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kansas City, KS
    Even with bleachers, it shouldn't take much room to hook one leg behind the bouncers, since a good hook will almost supplant the leg, not circle around it.

    It's not the best scenario, but better odds, imo, than just trying to use your upper body against his.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Id just use my gun.
    Nothing gets you out of trouble like shooting a cop.
    "In choosing your dwelling, know how to keep to the ground.
    In cultivating your mind, know how to dive in the hidden depths.
    In dealing with others, know how to be gentle and kind.
    In speaking, know how to keep your words.
    In governing, know how to maintain order.
    In transacting business, know how to be efficient.
    In making a move, know how to choose the right moment.
    If you do not strive with others, you will be free from blame."
    -Lao Tzu, Tao Teh Ching
    An eye for an eye leaves the world blind.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kansas City, KS
    Don't forget the witnesses. In this guy's case, the correct response was clearly 1) shoot the cop, followed by 2) don his environment suit and wipe out the crowd with biological weapons.

    However, had he developed his listening skills, he would've felt all of this coming before even leaving his trailer, in which case he could've had the entire stadium devastated by orbital bombardment.

    The way this usually works is this:

    DRUNKEN SCHLUB[TO HIMSELF]: Yep, just about ready for the big game[DOWN'S A MICKEY'S WIDE MOUTH LIKE A HIGH PRICED ESCORT WITH RENT DUE], got my beer, got my haayat, got my[DOWN'S SECOND MICKEY'S INTO THE VACUUM LIKE PIT OF HIS GUT] White Lion Greatest Hit compact disk. Now what am I forgetting? Oh yeah, I'm a drunken fool just asking for a headlock. Geez, how could I forget that? I'd best just commence the aerial bombardment.

    That's how the pros do it.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    The Wille Sword said.....

    "to fight the cop by trying some thing like what tnwingstun suggests is by far the dumbest thing you can do with a cop."

    Well no $hit sherlock, brilliant observation,which school of higher learning hatched you??

    Maybe the same one that told you to turn towards the elbow

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lone Star State

    Post well actually this weekend

    would be good for me because next weekend i have to go to houston for a funeral.(step-grandfather died) so i gotta be there for the services and all that(cremation, cast in to the sea have a beer get drunk sort of funeral it will be.)

    so if not this weekend or next then how about the one after?
    those interested PM me or somthing.

    You KNOW i did some searching and i FOUND TNWINGTSUN.
    i found out who HE is. i just want to share this with everyone.

    here is TWINGSTUN:
    It makes me mad when people say I turned and ran like a scared rabbit. Maybe it was like an angry rabbit, who was going to fight in another fight, away from the first fight.

  15. #30

    Yes and no.

    Originally posted by fa_jing
    They tell me that having your blood cut off at the sides of your neck is worse than the windpipe choke.
    In one way, it's worse to get a strangle put on you--you can be out in 3-4* seconds--whereas a choke across the larnyx takes a long time before you're out. Likewise, if I put hadaka jime (rear naked) on an untrained guy's carotids, he tends not to get as freaked out as when I put it on incorrectly and I start closing off his windpipe.

    However, a strangle is, IMO, much safer in practice since there's little structural damage** you can do. I know of at least two instances where a guy got an injured larnyx (both required medical attention; the more serious one ended up at the emergency room) when somebody used the choking version instead of the strangling version.

    *as anyone who's been too stubborn to tap and heard the buzzing in their ears can tell you, that's not an exaggeration.

    **I once looked for evidence that this might cause a carotid dissection (ala Brian Johnston's stroke), but I never found anything suggesting it did.
    Wing Chun has lots of sayings. If sayings won fights, WC would rule the world (presumably by talking its opponents to death).

    Empirical evidence strongly suggests this has yet to happen.


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