Greetings to All Esteemed Readers of Kungfu Magazine:

First, let me introduce myself. I am Dim Mak Seminar, and I hold an 7th degree Black Belt in the Dim Mak. Well, to be more specific, I specialize in the Dim Mak, although I am well rounded in many of the dark arts of Shao-lin and Iga, and I was once the true lineage holder of the Cinnabar Palm, the One Finger Tsan, and the Fairy Palm through Zhang San Feng! I am even developing a website with my kungfu family tree! I also have 7 white stripes on my black belt to prove my qualifications. So, you can definitely see that my qualifications speak for themselves!

I am interested to learn the opinions of the readers of this forum on their experiences using the Dim Mak in street fighting, as it is clearly the most superior and lethal of all techniques! I have been in many a fisticuff in my day and have always resisted utilising the Dim Mak for fear that the lethal legal nature of my hands (they are registered with the local police department, and in 13 countries around the whole world) might allow an attacker to use the legal system against me. Confinement in a penitentiary is not fun, I don't think. So, in most cases, I utilise the Cinnabar Palm, which I find to be more easily controlled, because you are striking your foe from a distance of over 11 feet! For those of you not familiar with the Cinnabar Plam, you learn it through many ancient and secret methods. My kungfu brother, Brian Gray, can attest to the secretness of the training methods! Also, your hands get really red.

So, in conclusion, I would ask that you consider my seminars for use in learning real live street fighting situations. Wouldn't you want to utilise these arts to defeat your foe? Of course you would, because no one really likes the germs that can be transmitted through contact! At a price of $20 per hour, my seminars are much more effective than attending a cardio kickboxing class at your local McDojo. Remember, you get specialisation AND name recognition. Plus you can learn to do neat stuff like throwing needles through people's arms at 30 feet!

Thank you for your time and consideration in reading my post.

Sedulously awaiting your replies, I remain,

Respectfully yours,
