My sensei did better sanchin than most of the ngo cho kun guys I've seen.

Tomo Kidachi was his name. 6th degree black belt. That guy was a top level judoka who'd stomp anybody, including your (and my) old Hung Ga sifu in Long Island, TenTigers.

In fact, I have yet to see ANY sifu that could match his skill and reflexes in a real fight. I'd take him in a real streetfight over any of the top combat kung fu fighters in the world, including Li Tai Liang or Su Dong Chen or even Wang Shu Jin (he of the 300 lb Bagua/Hsing I lineage). And no doubt I'd take him over most of the sifus you guys purportedly study with.

When that guy grabbed you, it was like being stuck in a vice. He had all the power one could ask from a 5'6" 170-180 lb old master of the martial arts. When he hit you, it was like being struck by a board. He could groundfight, he could grapple, he fought challenge matches (advised us to end them by "choking", and this was before the days of the UFC), and he demonstrated it day in and day out.

Regularly he manhandled us college age students. These were young big guys and we were no match for him at the time. Even now, my power isn't like his and may never be (though power alone doesn't decide a combat outcome).

Supposedly one of his judo students went to become a silver medalist for the US Olympic team. Don't know the name of the guy, though.

If anybody goes up to Albany New York and looks for Tomo Kidachi (who is probably retired), you'll see who I'm talking about.

He's about 70 now, but he'd probably fight you if you provoked him.