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Thread: Animal Attacks

  1. #1

    Animal Attacks

    The long awaited Hikuta Hand to Fang Warfare- Defense from animal attacks video course is FINALLY complete- with the pre-orders already set out!

    I'll hold the price of the pre- orders until next Fri. After that the price goes up to nor $50 but $75; due to the fact that the course is nearly 2 hrs in lenght and not the projected 1 hour.

    Get em while they are cheap!

    Knowledge replaces Fear!

    Jack Savage

    Master of Hikuta

    Hikuta Factoids: NOTE: For the decade that Hikuta has been offered on a limited basis commercially it has as far as anyone knows THE HIGHEST SATISFACTION RATE IN THE INDUSTRY! For the past year that HikutaCombatSystems has been in business their has not been a single case of anyone dissatisfied with my products and wishing any kind of refund! That is a 100% satisfaction rate! This holds true, to the best of my knowledge, for other Hikuta products offered currently and in the past! A truly phenomenal track record!

    Why? How? Perhaps because results such as this are commonplace :I received early in December and I am just a beginner. I have had around 12 training sessions ....I have always considered myself to be of average speed or maybe even slower. After receiving the package I video taped myself throwing some regular boxing stanced punches and put them on the back burner. After training with the Hikuta package and applying < the>techniques --MAN--I have gained tremendous speed--I taped myself after 1 month and the difference is incredible. I have become ten times faster with my strikes--there is no other strike that compares to a Hikuta strike if you ask me---my power has increased also as I have been using a heavy bag. I am extremely happy with the Hikuta package I ordered and I am looking forward to learning more and more about this art. I would love to learn some of the Hikuta grappling techniques and countering grabs or holds to throw in the mix with my new found striking ability. Thanx Jack for all your time you have invested to ... Hikuta ... and for your many prompt responses and your great input on the subject. Will definitely continue to sharpen my skills at Hikuta. I am really stunned by the speed I have gained in such a small
    amount of time. I can see what you mean that there is no time to react because even I can tell by watching my video that it is almost as fast as the eye can see---I couldn't imaging how fast you guys are with all of your training involved! -Genin Q

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    click here for...<A
    HREF="http://www.hikutacombatsyste">Hikuta Website</A>

    click here for...<A
    utacombatsystems">Hikuta Forum</A>

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Warrenville Il
    I remeber your posts from the now defunct close combat forum.

    Despite the very dubious and wild historical marketing claims that Hikuta uses and I am sure you know which ones I am writting about I will try to get around that to ask you some questions regarding this new tape set of yours as I have some experiance with tough working dogs and some of the related protection sport activities like Schutzhund and French Ring.

    Since you are trying to market video tapes here could you give a description on your methods and the background of their development for those that are interested?

    By that I mean a little more than what is on your website.

    btw- This is not a insult to what you do in the terms its physical ability. Since I have never seen Hikuta I can not say one way or the other if your material is bad or good. It's the somewhat TRS style of marketing that I find distastefull.
    Last edited by Black Jack; 05-09-2003 at 01:02 PM.

  3. #3

    Thumbs up

    Some statements are,indeed,a bit wild imo.

    But out of curiosity,I wonder if you could tell me what this new tape includes in terms of "animal attack".
    What animals? (dogs perhaps?)
    In terms of protection against animal attacks,are these techniques considered "ancient"?
    If yes,then are they documented techniques?
    What would they be like? (in case you can put it in a few words)

    The sunsetīs setting down.Lay me on the forest floor.

    I do not necessarily stand behind all of the statements I have made in the past, in this forum. Some of the statements may have appeared to support a biased view of reality, and may have been offensive. If you are a moral person and were hurt by comments that I made, you can PM me about it and I will apologize if I find your cause reasonable.
    -FC, summer of 2006-

  4. #4
    This copy/paste from my web site should answer most questions concerning source materials as well as what type of attacks are covered:

    A specialty course.
    It doesn't matter if you are confronted with a highly trained attack animal or just the mutt down the street- they picked the WRONG DUDE (or dudette!) to take a bite out of IF you are trained in the Hikuta Animal Defense course!
    Learn the best methods ever devised to defend against : vicious attack dogs, big cat attacks, even bear!!
    This exciting course will prepare you for an all to often occurrence : vicious animal attacks! Fight effectively with: special weapons, improvised weapons, bare handed, and on the ground. Nearly EVERY possibility is explored! Also learn the valuable secrets of attack avoidance and "brag and bluff" .
    Source materials: special ops military units, WW2 hand to hand methods, Eskimos methods to control vicious sled dogs, various combat and martial arts materials, Hikuta training, and others. In short, I extensively researched every method I could find info on to bring you the very best training material on this subject ever collected and organized into a system!!
    Hikuta fighters: Learn to use your Hikuta skills to defeat such attacks.
    Non- Hikuta fighters: This course is for you also! The guidelines, strategies, and even techniques can easily be adapted to any fighting system! !
    If you have no self defense skills : You will learn how to fire fast and powerful kicks and strikes from one of the foremost self defense instructors in the world! Special note: These fast and powerful techniques and principles work equally well against two legged animals also!!

    Note also: defense using weapons - both conventional (firearms, clubs, etc) and improvised is covered.

    PS- If you post here and don't get amn answer in a reasonable amount of time please post on the Hikuta board or e mail me:

    Knowledge Replaces Fear!

    Jack Savage

    Master of Hikuta

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    font-size: 12pt; color: purple">


    click here for...<A
    HREF="http://www.hikutacombatsyste">Hikuta Website</A>

    click here for...<A
    utacombatsystems">Hikuta Forum</A>

  5. #5
    "i can barely click the link. but i way why stop drinking .... i got ... moe .. fcke me out of it" - GDA on Traditional vs Modern Wushu
    but what if the man of steel hasta fight another man of steel only that man of steel knows kung fu? - Kristoffer
    How do you think monks/strippers got started before the internet? - Gene Ching
    Find your peace in practice. - Gene Ching

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Tempe. Arizona
    with serpent
    I have an Eskimo sled dog- and you are going to do what?
    Same for an Akita?
    And a pit bull?? empty handed?

  7. #7

    Thumbs up

    I had the idea it involves some weapons but Iīm not sure.
    I know what I would do,anything but try to fight them back really (at first at least)
    The sunsetīs setting down.Lay me on the forest floor.

    I do not necessarily stand behind all of the statements I have made in the past, in this forum. Some of the statements may have appeared to support a biased view of reality, and may have been offensive. If you are a moral person and were hurt by comments that I made, you can PM me about it and I will apologize if I find your cause reasonable.
    -FC, summer of 2006-

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