Originally posted by CD Lee

Now, seriously. Is that true? What do you mean by basic history? Is this something you read from a history book. I am being serious.

See, because Bill Phillips, who does not quote his historical references either, says just the opposite. He says we were primarily meat eaters until FARMING came along, at which point we becaume carb eaters and starting dying from cancers.

Ok, so, what historical references are you talking about that show us , as you said above, versus you telling us, that humans were primarily vegetarian for most of our existence?

Did Native Americans eat meat or just farm? Did they trap animals, hunt animals, eat buffalo, live on dried meats and fish? Is that like what you mean by 'basic history'?

Does 'basic history' mean just those things I can recall from history that I can think up right now, that lead us to a common sense and obvious conclusion?
Sorry, the reason I said "basic" history was so I could be as ambiguous as the person who said "basic" biology.

I wrote out a giant response and chose not to post it because this will just get more ridiculous. I have degree in history and minored in Anthropology and over those years I had gathered enough knowledge (well i think so anyhow! ) from research, papers, etc ... to know that humankind did not depend on meat for much of history and it especially did not make any sense for them to do so. If you would like me to go into this at length, i certainly can but I thought I would ask you first before I do so.
I don't know who Bill Phillips is, but that statement you made about farming contradicts anything I've ever learned about the paths that humankind has made with respect to their diets.
The history of Native Americans is hard to chart, as I have spent time researching this area as well, it is hard to come up with difinitive conclusions about their history because very little is recorded. I should probably make my stance clear here, which is that I feel that many people think that meat has been a staple of the human diet since the beginning, that we are inherently meat eaters, and it is this which i am arguing against.
Ill answer your other posts when I get a chance