Our society is so...I dunno, American? I am American and proud of it, but I am always amazed that considering becoming a vegetarian or vegan is akin in our society to changing religions.

I have noticed that it is the vegans among the ranks of the PETA faction that seem to fuel this backlash in most of America. They are so confrontational and angry at us non-vegans, that they make everybody so defensive.

My boss at work is a vegetarian. When I asked him about it, he delcared very quickly, "Oh, I'm not a vegan!" Actually he is. But he is scared to even admit it due to all the militant wacko's of which he is not affiliated.

Somebody mentioned that red meat only provided iron? It also provides protien, and most important it provides branch chain amino acids BCAA's, which are an awesome way to build and repair muscle tissue. They reduce the protein breakdown within your muscles; and they increase testosterone and growth hormone, your bodies most important fat-fighting and muscle-building hormones. It only takes 10g of of BCAA's to have a positive effect on our bodies. Just FYI...

The Vegan diet is not the diet of the future. Adkins is not the diet of the future. I think a balanced diet between the two is closer to the future. Besides, and I have to be honest here, just listining to an aggressive vegan, makes me want to chase down an animal and eat it. I mean, backlash is a real factor. And unless the vegans get rid of these wacko's their diet will never make it to the forefront in America.