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Thread: The Science of self-defence!

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Where ever I Am; today, West Virginia, US of A, NA, N of EUdMexico
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    Hikuta struking seems to be determination and commitment. With slight weightshifting for Speed.
    There are four lights...¼ impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    Here is an interesting links showing an Egyptian boxer using the same hand formations used in Hikuta.

    I suspect hikuta's origins are not Pharaonic though. The term "kuta yuddha" is Sanskrit for "secret war". Yuddha is sometimes used in reference to martial arts especially wrestling (See "Comprehensive Asian Fighting Arts" by Donn Draeger). So kuta is likely a wrongly applied term used by Westerners to describe some sort of central Asian boxing method like the Muki boxing and Vajramushti of India and Pakistan. The Roma who settled Europe claimed to be Egyptian so they could market their crafts since Europeans were none the wiser. It could've come with them.

    Besides Oriental martial arts schools embellish the histories of their arts and overemphasize the importance of their arts in historical events so why shouldn't Hikuta do the same.
    Last edited by bustr; 01-26-2003 at 12:49 PM.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    S.E. Texas, USA
    Also folks here are some of the people with whom a certain 10 year yellow belt has taken issue:

    John Kary and The American Combatives Association
    (lost his sight defending this loudmouth's right to free speech)

    John Keehan, aka Count Dante
    (Been dead for 28 years)
    (pretty sure this was a joke)
    (A student of Chuck Norris)

    Dave Walmsley and "Canadian Combato"

    Dr. John "The Speed Man" Latourette
    (Maybe not the best program but phil and don don't offer anything better;Then again they can't)

    Grandmaster Verkerke (A website hosting service)

    Self Defense in 7 Minutes
    (Don't know about this one but 7 minutes is over double the time that Bruce Siddle suggests for learning a technique

  4. Do you really wish to ally yourself with the crackpots at "Self Defense In 7 Minutes" and other nutjobs, bustr?

    "bustr," of course, is another of the small but dedicated group of Hikuta trolls who spend their sleepless nights cursing the fact that I don't buy into their precious system. Let's be certain, about this, bustr --

    Besides Oriental martial arts schools embellish the histories of their arts and overemphasize the importance of their arts in historical events so why shouldn't Hikuta do the same.
    You're saying, essentially, that it's okay to lie to establish false credibility for the art in which you believe, because other people lie about other arts?

    I have never seen such monumental martial arts insecurity as where this ridiculous system is concerned.

    I think it's time all three or four of you sat out a night or two seriously contemplating why my opinion threatens you so much.
    - Phil Elmore

    Publisher, The Martialist magazine

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    S.E. Texas, USA
    ""bustr," of course, is another of the small but dedicated group of Hikuta trolls who spend their sleepless nights cursing the fact that I don't buy into their precious system. Let's be certain, about this, bustr --"

    And you accuse jack of resorting to insults. I have nothing to sell. If you don't like the style then stay away from it. For the record I'm not a hikuta stylist. That should've been evident from my post. You appear to be worshipping at the alter of Eastern arts. You should find a cult organization like Chung Moo Do or an aikido group. I think you'd fit into an aikido class very well. That's if it didn't hurt your little wrists too much.

  6. Oh, did I hurt your poor little feelings?

    You and Jack enjoy your quality time together.
    - Phil Elmore

    Publisher, The Martialist magazine

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    S.E. Texas, USA

    Phil "For years now my accomplishments in the martial arts have been unofficial...." Sharp

    You did not.

  8. That's good. I'd hate to be responsible for sending you home crying at the end of the day.

    I said it before, and I'll say it again: you and Jack need to seriously question why my opinion threatens you so much.
    - Phil Elmore

    Publisher, The Martialist magazine

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Alexandria, VA
    oh, for christ's sake. the lot of you are barking lunatics. jack 'savage' and his facts. (crack a dictionary, jack. "Fact: Elmore has had a jihad against Hikuta since it has become apparent that it is far more effective and effecient than anything he has ever "studied." that's not a fact. that's opinion. learn the difference.) sharp phil. you've gotten every bit as petty and ridiculous as jack.

    personally, i wouldn't touch hikuta or sharp phil's reviews after this debacle.

    stuart b.
    When you assume, you make an ass out of... pretty much just you, really.

  10. I don't think giving better than you get makes one "petty" or "ridiculous." I didn't start this thread or this argument, after all. I'm sorry if you've found the argument distasteful, Stuart, but I stand behind my work and I think it speaks for itself.


    - Phil Elmore

    Publisher, The Martialist magazine

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Alexandria, VA
    i think they speak for themselves too. making this sort of crap throwing rather unnecessary. and, as it turns out, counterproductive.

    stuart b.
    When you assume, you make an ass out of... pretty much just you, really.

  12. To be perfectly honest, Stuart, you're right; arguments of this type are counterproductive. My Wing Chun instructor, for whom I have a great deal of respect, said as much too; he told me to focus on what I'm doing and ignore nonsense such as this.

    When one finds oneself attacked personally for daring to express one's opinion, however, it is very challenging not to respond. I won't let someone challenge my integrity or the quality of my work in such a dishonest fashion without responding to it. If Mr. Sellner or his friend have a substantive issue to raise regarding the content of something I've written, I am happy to hear it (and this goes for anything else I've written where any other individuals are concerned). I strongly doubt that is the case, though; they seem to take this very personally, which is the root of the problem.
    - Phil Elmore

    Publisher, The Martialist magazine

  13. #43

    weight shifting

    "Hikuta struking seems to be determination and commitment. With slight weightshifting for Speed."

    That is correct to a degree.

    Weight shifting is more for power than speed however. There are other methods to develop the famed Hikuta power as well- all easy to master.

    To develop speed do the DOK Lee drills. For even MORE speed do the additional drills that I show in my courses.

    As good as the DOK Lee package was; it was only intended to be a HIghlights of Kuta course (hikuta- get it?).

    I have no idea who buster is- opporsex perhaps?

    If that is he, I wouldn't call him a hard core Hikuta guy. He may have seen the Dok lee package.

    As I recall, he is an istructor in several martial arts putting together his own system- from a variety of sources- Hikuta may be one.

    Note that the Elmore hate list contains mainly those out of favor with the gurus of the now defunct Close Combat -" my way or the highway"- board. Even tho some are just variants (Whamsley's combato for example) of the same WW2 combatives they support?

    humorously- did anyone read the posts where guru Ralph Grosso took Elmore to task for starting crap on that board? See Elmore grovel and scrape for forgiveness! IF anyone has that thread copied please send it to me!

    Jack Savage

  14. #44

    Elmore's Jihad

    If anyone wants to do a search for Hikuta you will find negative posts concerning Hikuta from Elmore dating to at least March of 2001- many months before he ever saw any Hikuta material - which was around Aug of 2001.

    Fact: Elmore had his pea brain already made up about Hikuta LONG before seeing any material.

    Saw T surfer the other night- he said he surfed into Elmore's site and saw his pic- "He looks like a fat ass psudo intellectual to me" was the comment.

    I always though of him more of a pencil necked geek- so which is correct Elmore?

    Fact : feet on the ground Matt Furey has adapted some of the Speed Mans' technique for striking. So is Speed Man really as messed up as Elmore says?

    Fact: Matt Furey sent a rep ( Robinson I think) to grapple with Systema guru Val V to see if he was for real. Result? Furey is forced to give grudging respect due to butt whooping his rep got. So is Systema really just esoteric BS as Elmore would have us to believe? ? Furey was highly negative towards it a few years ago- especially after the "psychic ability tape" - but mentor Gotch said he was the real deal- inspiring Furey to investigate further.

    Furey is more of what I'd call a true professional- not afraid to admit when he is wrong- although it will doubtless cost him some sales.

  15. #45
    Fact: In Furey's latest writings for Grappling magazine, he claims to be receiving wrestling advice from the deceased spirit of Farmer Burns.

    I'd think twice before listing him as a reference for anything.
    "hey pal, you wanna do the dance of destruction with the belle of the ball, just say the word." -apoweyn

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