Hi yung apprentice, I am a hapkido practisioner and can tell u a lot about the art. Basically, I like to call it the korean version of japanese aikido with the kicks found in Taekwondo. This is partially true. We focus alot on joint locks as well as kicks. It is a very street effective self defence style that is mainly focused on using joint locks to control an opponent mixed with a good arsenal of low and high kicks. If u have seen Steven Segal's movies, you have an idea how the art works. Even though Segal is an aikido stylist, like I said before, the 2 arts share a common past as in they both came from the same grandmaster in Japan. Well I hope this sheds some light on hapkido. You can take a look at this website as well. www.hapkido.com, or just type up hapkido on a search engine and see what you'll find. Good luck.