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Thread: BAJI ! master Zhang Xiangwu

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Xi'an, P.R.C.

    BAJI ! master Zhang Xiangwu

    Anyone got any info on BAJI ! master Zhang Xiangwu? All I know is he was my Shiye (Shifu's Shifu) and was famous for his sword work.

    My Shifu warned me it would be hard to find out much about him because of one other famous point. He was a hero of the Guo Mindang so in China nobody dares write too much praise of the guy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Akron, Ohio USA

    I can only tell you the stories I have heard with one verifiable piece.

    He was under Li Shu Wen and took Liu Yun Qiao all through the Shandong province. He was responsible for Liu learning Yang's taiji, the taiji sword, and the taiji dao. I am not sure where he learned the taiji but he did serve under Li Jing Lin and I have a source which indicates he learned his taiji sword from Song Wei Yi while serving under Li Jing Lin. His taiji sword is a very complete system and if you want more information, e-mail (PM). He also taught the kun wu sword and was responsible for the development of the baji sword by asking Li Shu Wen how he would handle a sword (In response, Li Shu Wen developed two levels of the baji based on his experience with the spear, so I am told).

    He was also supposedly very well known for his Yang style taiji and may have also known bagua.

    He also arranged for Liu to learn bagua from Gong Bao Tian and also the 6 Harmony mantis.

    He dealt with drug dealers and would often issue mass drownings rather than use the bullets.

    He also was known as the Skinscraper General because he would often tie drug dealers to a tree, cut an X on their head, apply mercury and in a couple of days their skin would usually fall off and they died a very unpleasant death.

    However, he was a master of the Taiji Classics and had Liu read them, telling him that it would help in all his martial arts. What a Yin/Yang of a guy.

    I understand that the communists killed him very early in their revolution.

    I hope this helps.
    Last edited by RAF; 11-13-2002 at 08:02 PM.
    "Its better to build bridges rather than dig holes but occasionally you have to dig a few holes to build the foundation of a strong bridge."

    "Traditional Northern Chinese Martial Arts are all Sons of the Same Mother," Liu Yun Qiao

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Chi Town, Ill

    Thumbs up

    Now that's the stuff great movies are made from.

    Live it or live with it.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Akron, Ohio USA
    Hey Count, How Ya Doin!

    Just got back from your old stomping grounds, Chicago (Business). Love their Chinatown!

    Drop me a line sometime.

    Interesting book to read (readable in 2 days):

    Steal My Art
    Story of TT Liang's life
    Stuart Olson

    Pretty explosive commentary on TT Liang, Yang Cheng Fu and Zheng Man Qing---kinda of destroys the idea that they were "angels" of sorts. The first two, according to the text, were really into the old w horehouses and the last had quite a temper, something Robert Smith didn't bother to write about.

    Interesting but I don't know how much of its exaggerated ond how much of its is accurate.

    Its sure to cause a stir!
    "Its better to build bridges rather than dig holes but occasionally you have to dig a few holes to build the foundation of a strong bridge."

    "Traditional Northern Chinese Martial Arts are all Sons of the Same Mother," Liu Yun Qiao

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Location! Location!
    I read it to. I'd have to say there is a probably just a wee bit of exaggeration.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Chi Town, Ill

    Thumbs up Hi RAF

    You should have mentioned you were going to be in Chicago. I know the absolute best place to eat in Chinatown.

    I was going to ask Sifu Tsou what he could add about Zhang Xiangwu but class was diverted by a Chen style workshop today with a teacher named Zhang Zhijun. Sifu met him last week and thought it would be useful but my body said NO this morning so I skipped it. Now I'm sitting here feeling guilty

    The more I think about it, the more I think a movie about Liu's life would be a hit. I think I may have to start on a screenplay.

    Live it or live with it.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Akron, Ohio USA
    Kungfu Cowboy:

    I think they equally exaggerate the good and bad sides. Eventually it all evens out.


    I was on academic business with 9 Taiwanese International MBA students. My former graduate assistant from Hangzhou and his wife live in Chicago and managed to take me to a Taiwanese restaurant called Uncle Lou's. Its the only place I ever found where you can order freshwater small mouth bass, steamed in ginger & green onions. I managed to spend an evening in Chinatown but the Wushu shops I visited were junk. The Phoenix was recommended for dim sum. However, we went international and ate at Maggianes and Iberica (great paella).

    Well we are here in Akron bracing for winter and anticipating the Chinese New Year. Lots of huo guo's (fire pots) are being readied and we hope to have some new baji articles out soon.

    I see I've turned this post into a partial restaurant review. Enough said!

    I am sorry you missed out on Chen workshop. Its sounded very interesting. I am about to order the Thunderstyle Chen tape from Blacktaoist's website. I met BP Chan one time but never beyond a hello while at the Tai Chi Farm.

    There is a story on video tape in Taiwan about Liu's life as a secret agent and I think its called the Rose. Unfortunately the main character they used for Liu was a woman and its loses something in the process. I've heard about the comic books in Japan and on balance, I think they have a more negative impact than positive. I think there is a lot to be said about a quiet life and staying off stage

    Take care and get a copy of Steal My Art--its a fun book to read. If you get any good stories about Zhang Xiang Wu, please post. He also had a darkside of using the confiscated opium when it served his purpose and his manner of killing drug dealers was pretty vicious---tying them to a tree, cutting an X on their head, pouring mecrury on it, and watching their flesh melt as they died very painfully. Not sure if its true but it sure is a drastic way to deal with drug dealers.

    "Its better to build bridges rather than dig holes but occasionally you have to dig a few holes to build the foundation of a strong bridge."

    "Traditional Northern Chinese Martial Arts are all Sons of the Same Mother," Liu Yun Qiao

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I must confess, after hearing who you train with I was struck with.....sifu envy.
    The more one sweats in times of peace, the less one bleeds in times of war.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Chi Town, Ill


    Originally posted by Walter Joyce
    I must confess, after hearing who you train with I was struck with.....sifu envy.
    Ha, now there's a term you don't hear every day. Do you know my teacher? I believe there is still a group he started 25 years ago in Boston meeting regularly. He gets out there from time to time. We will probably do an east coast workshop next year, you should come. Don't you get regular "hands on" with Lo though? There is a teacher I would like to spend some time with.

    Live it or live with it.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    If you call once a year regular. Buddy, who posts here from time to time, is Lo's recognized student, I'm just a tag along. There are things on the horizon though. But if I told you, there are people out there whjo would have to kill me.
    The more one sweats in times of peace, the less one bleeds in times of war.

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