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Thread: Announcing a Xingyi web Game!

  1. Exclamation Announcing a Xingyi web Game!

    I'd to sumbit for your enjoyment what is probably the first Xingyi(Hsing-I) internet game! Please keep in mind that I'm still an amatuer at creating web applications, so don't judge the simplicity of the site too harshly. Here is the game:

    Enjoy and tell me what you think OK

  2. #2
    Interesting, but....I don't get it. Whom am I supposedly playing against? Is this an elaborate "rocks,paper,scissors"?
    Your years of training is no match for my unyielding incompetence!

  3. So, what do you think of the game? By the way, I think the next game in the Mortal Kombat series is coming out this month. Each playable character will have a set of combat styles from which to choose from, and from what I read in the video game magazines, Tai Chi, Bagua, Xing Yi, and Liu He Ba Fa are supposed to be among them. Check it out when it comes out!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    keep on it

    keep working on it little by little you can turn it into a real game.

  5. #5
    Some suggestions:
    - It might be more interesting (and it would make more sense) if the opponent made the move first
    - For added difficulty, you could set a timer. The higher your score, the less time you have to react.
    - If you wanna get fancy, you could make the attacker's five element move a picture facing the user.
    - If you wanna get REALLY fancy, you could have variations of attacks for each of the five elements; all random of course.

    I won't bother suggesting animated gifs or even Flash

  6. Thanks for the feedback. Keep i mind that I'm still a beginner at programming. Originally, I wanted to install some graphic rollover effects---A graphic would rollover to a picture of the element you used as well as the one the opponent used. Either that or some animation of a guy using a particular element to destroy another one(depending on the user's and computer's actions. The game is still a work in progress.

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