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Thread: My days rather painfull lesson

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    cool story Dragon......

    but what i really want to where i can find this guy and pay him to teach me how to generate such tremedous energy from my body into someone elses...... what a weapon!!

    who needs cell phone and knives when your talking lonely strolls in the park and youy have this great internal gift???

    you should learn it off him Jon and then teach it to me...

    btw... hope your feeling better

    Tae Li aka Lian Jie lover
    The difference lies in you.

    "I understand now that fear is a normal reaction of the Human Body, so why fight it? Accept being afraid, but dont let it hold you back, keep moving forward and the light will shine at the end of the tunnel"
    -Tae Li.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    correction: "taking" not talking lonelt strolls in the park
    The difference lies in you.

    "I understand now that fear is a normal reaction of the Human Body, so why fight it? Accept being afraid, but dont let it hold you back, keep moving forward and the light will shine at the end of the tunnel"
    -Tae Li.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Oakland, CA
    Tae Li,

    it's called "taking a gut shot when you aren't anywhere close to prepared for it."

    No art has a monopoly on this effect. I'm sure I'll have everybody on my arse about this, but the fact is, when you take a hard shot to the gut and aren't ready for it, you'll feel like that, thunder palm or no.

    Let a boxer with a mean hook or uppercut hit you when all your muscles are totally relaxed and you'll see what happenned. This is one reason why boxers exhale on the punch--it tightens the abs automatically, and if he slips and throws a body shot, you won't get dropped.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Interesting theory take it into consideration... but i do believe that some great fighters have professionalised the art of internal power/force and can have the same effect on someone ready or not....

    Tae Li
    The difference lies in you.

    "I understand now that fear is a normal reaction of the Human Body, so why fight it? Accept being afraid, but dont let it hold you back, keep moving forward and the light will shine at the end of the tunnel"
    -Tae Li.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Oakland, CA
    What you call internal, I call proper body mechanics To each their own!

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kansas City, KS
    I misread your post, and thought the assault
    came during sparring, but I see otherwise.
    To injure in demonstration is clearly his fault
    and for him the choice was clearly unwise.

    Is your teacher his teacher?
    His teacher make aware
    He could end up in trouble
    If he doesn't show more care
    (talking about the aggressor
    which I didn't make clear
    now I'm kinda sick of rhyming
    so I'm getting out of here).

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney Australia
    Hey Jon

    This guy his name wouldn't be Anders by any chance?
    Although I can't see Anders behaveing in this way.
    A Problem is only a Problem if you think it is a Problem and every Problem has a solution

    Don't worry about losing lass,I've been wrestling wolves since you were suckling on your mama's titt
    Groundskeeper Willy

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia

    Little more information

    Hi peoples
    Firstly to everyone who said get well soon thank you, im feeling a lot better today though i can still feel it a little in my back. I did a lot of Chi Gung this morning and managed to work my organs enough to at least get the flow back though them.

    The guy was at class today again and again we got talking though this time we didnt actualy cross freely we just exchanged.
    It turns out the reason he is smartly dressed and well spoken is that he is a doctor by trade. I wont leave his name but its not the one you mention Ka. He is trained in Bagua first and foremost and was orginaly trained in America before going over to China and training there. He has now found his way to my sifu, he knows numerous Bagua including Dragon style and eight animal but these days he only practices the same form i do - Chiang Jung-Chiao
    He is also trained extensively in combat and has had chance to test his art on MANY occasions. Not least of which being a challenge taker in his last school in China.

    When he struct me he was demonstrating practical applications and asked me to block his strike. He went high with a right jab which i offset by simply raising my right arm on the outside of his forearm. As my attension was going up he simply whipped out his left palm and struck me just on the left on my stomach at an angle going right though out the the right hand side of my back. It was kind of cheap but at the same time ive never minded being hit a little when having application demonstated, i just think he got over zelous.
    There is also another guy who was there who ive spoken about before, he is a WC guy and cant believe anything works, i think it was actualy HIM that annoyed my training partner but becouse i was the only one with the guts to stand up and play i was the one who copped the 'lesson'.

    There is a VERY nice upshot to all of this...
    As i stated he was there again today and this time was really nice to me, like yesterday he told me many interesting things and helped me with my own power generation.
    I went from knocking him just backwards to being able to send him accross the room about 5-6 feet. At one point i even actualy lifted this well over six foot tall beast of a man off the floor. Im about 5,10 and of a slight build.
    He was pleased with my progress and ended up asking my sifu to hurry up and teach me more so that we could spar more effectively.
    He seems to view me as a potensical training partner and he has told me he hasnt found one since he left China. Not many are willing to cross hands with him is a sad truth. Whilst i cant hope to match him i CAN just keep half way up with him. Hence i think i may have a lot to learn from the guy who just gave me the most painfull strike ive ever encountered (ive been hit by a LOT).

    To Merry
    There was very definately a big issue of body mechanics to his striking and he explains it that way as well as taught me that way.
    Still there was something odd about that strike i swear it, ive been hit pleanty of times in the stomach when im not ready.
    This didnt knock the wind out of me or even double me over. It simply felt like a bolt shooting strait though the middle of me.
    I still dont know how to explain what he did but the closest i can come is to say it was a VERY penertating strike and was NOT a thump.

    At first i was angry at him but now i cant help feeling kinda privildged. He may have hit me but he is also teaching me to hit the same way and he seems to see enough in my technique to want me as a training partner. Dispite being able to proberly kill me with a flick of his wrist.
    That and he was generaly pleased when i managed to lift him off the ground so im guessing his strike was just to give me an idea of exactly what kind of power he was discribing produsing.
    Up and down, forward and backward, left and right, its all the same. All of this is done with the mind, not externaly.
    Shaped dragon and looking monkey, sitting tiger and turning eagle.

    "I wonder how they would do against jon's no-tension fu. I bet they'd do REALLY WELL."
    - Huang Kai Vun

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Oakland, CA
    Trust me, I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. It's not just an impact it's like....

    Ok. lemme give you an example. I was once hit in the stomach by a 35 lbs weight (indoor weight throw, track and field). It felt a lot like what you described... it seemed as though that ****ed thing had lodged in my gut and was moving around in there

    And that's what a good hook or uppercut does--same/same feel to it when it comes to the body.

    The point is that good is good--doesn't matter where it came from.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    Hi Merry
    Im definatlely not trying to say i think this kind of power generation would be limited to chinese martial arts.
    I think personaly and from my experience trying to do it, its mainly to do with a relaxed body and VERY fast whipping of the hips and spine.
    Its hard to stop the energy from disipating at your sholders and using your arms externaly for the last part of the movement but you know when you get it.
    Its also much easyer suprisingly to do this when you already have contact. Actualy striking is much more difficault as again its harder to make this 'whip' travel right though your body and out of your hands.
    To be dead honest ive seen many professional boxers use similar mechanics when performing basic jabbing and rolling. There arms are totaly relaxed and all the power is generated by the movement of there body. There arms only move becouse there body has driven them in that particular direction.

    So dont worry i dont think its some kind of mystical evil palm of death or something. I just think i ran into someone who is very capable of issuing full relaxed body power and creating force that is actualy far supperiour to pure muscle driven force.
    Up and down, forward and backward, left and right, its all the same. All of this is done with the mind, not externaly.
    Shaped dragon and looking monkey, sitting tiger and turning eagle.

    "I wonder how they would do against jon's no-tension fu. I bet they'd do REALLY WELL."
    - Huang Kai Vun

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Oakland, CA
    no worries!

  12. #27
    internal or not, why does someone obviously more skilled than you get excited with hurting you?

    Wow, so he can hurt someone who is not as skilled as he is and smaller too. Tough man.

    How's your stomach feeling?
    "No judo! NO NO!"

    "One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

    Attain your highest ability, and continue past it. Emotion becomes movement. Express that which makes you; which guides you. Movement and Mind without hesitation. Physical spirituality...
    This is Jeet Kune Do....

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    where the unconscious speaks

    agree with Ryu,

    watch this one. I don't feel comfortable with the situation described.
    Jon, you sound like a very nice person.


    Oh, where in your back? You mentioned still feeling something in your back. Is it in the area of the Mingmen? (between sixth and seventh thoracic vertebrae, in back of heart). blockage in that area can stress the heart. A "blow" aimed there can mess up energy circulation really good.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    Hi Cody
    Thanks for your comments, as always you have good insight

    I will be dead honest (i wanted to avoid bringing this up) before he actualy hit me he had been speaking about how it felt to actualy issue force. He was discribing the difference between hitting nothing, hitting padded and hitting solid. Then of course he stated there is nothing like hitting a human. He went into rather great detail on exactly what the strikes can do to the internal organs and why (he's a doctor), then he told me about how he had personaly been struck like this with a fair amount of force in the face and had bruising and concussion for several days.
    He was telling me all of this but at the same time telling me how bad it was to actualy be like that as a person and how it can change your mindset and make you very violent.
    What of course makes this whole speech even wierder is the fact that in the end i was on the recieving end of a little of his focussed force. Ive seen him do the movement with full power hitting nothing and know darn well if he had done that he would have dropped he like a fly but im still a little sceptical of just how carefull and resolved he is with his use of 'that' particular power.
    I honestly dont think he actualy 'meant' to do it with quite the effect it had but the fact that it came out anyway kind of bothers me.

    To answer the questions about where it hit i need to properly discribe the strike.
    If im standing strait up it hit about 1-2 inches above my belt and to the side of my abdominal muscles. The force traveled at a 45% angle strait though my body and out of the right hand side of my back, it did not pass my over my spine. I know it was not exactly the effect he had discribed earlyer or else i would not be here writting this but he did give my insides a good 'shake'.

    It has not done any permanent or real damage i dont think and im going to hope that being a doctor he would know if he had hit me harder than i could take.
    He is a nice bloke though and i dont want everyone thinking he is some kind of nutcase...
    Just maybe dont question his abilitys

    As a side note.
    I did feel a little that i got my own back today, not only did i start to be able to perform the same power but i was sending him right accross our floor and at one point i knocked the breath right out of him becouse i heard him gasp as i pushed. I was not using full force but i did want to give him a bit of respect for me. It seemed to work and i may well learn a bit from him. If i can avoid being hit by that darn palm again that is
    Last edited by jon; 03-11-2002 at 08:37 PM.
    Up and down, forward and backward, left and right, its all the same. All of this is done with the mind, not externaly.
    Shaped dragon and looking monkey, sitting tiger and turning eagle.

    "I wonder how they would do against jon's no-tension fu. I bet they'd do REALLY WELL."
    - Huang Kai Vun

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