I'm getting an AI-written article submission for KungFuMagazine at the rate of about one per week. I can tell them fairly easily - they read like poorly written wikipedia pages. But MightyB demonstrated at the start of this thread, that's usually because the 'authors' are just asking bad questions. Ask the right question and you could get an acceptable article.

Mind you, I'm not at all opposed to AI-written articles for KFM, at least not yet. I'm just looking for good reads.

When I was in college, the interwebs were just beginning so it was impossible to research like they do now. I remember doing deep dives into archival libraries for my academic papers. Now it's so easy. And I'm the first to admit that the web has made me ignorant. I often find myself consulting it to remember odd facts. Just yesterday I was trying to remember the word onigiri (I knew it wasn't the same as musubi, but that's another topic).

I thought the Abbot of Shaolin had some interesting thoughts about AI and sentience.