Good question!

The Den of Geek model is quite different. They started by publishing mags that were distributed for free at San Diego Comic Con and New York Comic Con. If you've ever been to one of those, you know how massive the haul of tchotchkes is, so to stand out, they did a very professional publication.

When the pandemic hit, DoG pivoted to a distribution model at comic stores where you can get the issues for free. We had a similar model through Kung Fu schools, but you still had to buy the issue.

Initially, DoG offered the print mag for free during the pandemic shift, but now it's a paid subscription.

DoG has the magnitude that they do sponsored special issues that sidecar with their regular issues. I worked on two of these for Netflix: Vikings-Valhalla & Jupiter-s-Legacy. Those special issues were basically paid ads, and there's no one in the martial arts industry that even has a fraction of the bank to afford something like that.

DoG just did a special issue for SXSW so they are expanding their scope.

There's simply no comparison between the scale of a pop culture publisher like DoG and a niche publisher like KFM.