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Thread: How are you? (CoViD-19 Thread)

  1. #1

    How are you? (CoViD-19 Thread)

    How are you? Are you stressed out because of the pandemic? If not, How did you deal with the pandemic?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    CA, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by highlypotion View Post
    How are you? Are you stressed out because of the pandemic? If not, How did you deal with the pandemic?

    Not stressed. What’s the point? Being stressed won’t accelerate the end of this pandemic. I wasn’t stressed earlier this year when they were announcing the possibility of a pandemic. I didn’t panic when my workplace had to close when the lockdown was announced in March. By now, I’m certain that the place I worked at for 13 years is now permanently closed. I’ve been collecting unemployment, something I’ve never had to do. But I’m not stressing about it, because I’ve dealt with hardships in life before, and I always land on my feet somehow.

    Last year I was more stressed. I had to be the full-time caregiver for my mom, who passed last December. I missed work most of last year, too. Ironically, I thought that 2020 was going to be the year I start getting things back together.

    That said, I’m dealing with it. No wife, kids, or grandkids, so no stress there, either. I’m sure that people with kids are under a lot of stress.

    I AM annoyed at the deniers who keep drawing this out. The Covid deniers walking around claiming they don’t like being told what to do, so they refuse to do their part to help bring this to an end by following certain basic safety measures until this is under control, are like the zombies in an apocalyptic horror movie. At this rate, we’ll probably still be in this mess a year or more from now. Unless people start wising up. Which, unfortunately, I have little faith in.

    I’m annoyed at Governor Nuisance (*cough* I mean Newsome), the smirky hypocrite who doesn’t wear a mask himself at restaurant dinner parties, while admonishing everyone else to do so or else. His hypocrisy makes it even less likely that the deniers will change their tune. Among the many reasons I rarely watch or read the news anymore.

    All that said, I’m dealing with it the best I can. Planning the creation of an online business. Going on walks and and training kung fu on my own. Reading. Participating in Skype meetings with a great support group of fellow healing modality practitioners. Non-religious spiritual practices. Watching some movies at home. I stopped going to movie theaters altogether back in 2018, so I don’t miss the experience.
    Last edited by Jimbo; 11-21-2020 at 11:21 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Nice welfare check here, highlypotion

    I've been watching pandemic play out since before I launched our COVID news thread back in January of this year.

    As you all know already, the pandemic was the final nail in Kung Fu Tai Chi's print magazine. It's been since May when we announced it and I've come to terms with it personally for the most part, although I'm still getting occasional submissions from freelancers who clearly don't read the mags where they publish. I think when the pandemic ends, I'll have to process the loss of the mag once again. It wasn't unexpected. We had been struggling for years. But it was still a shocking way to go out.

    I'm still working part-time for - striving to keep our forum here alive and online (Please support MartialArtSmart when you can because that is our main source of income here). The 2020 Tiger Claw Elite Online Championship is my brainchild - an effort to bring more eyeballs to our websites, particularly our YouTube channel. It's an experiment and it's already had a few hiccups, but it's going well so far.

    I can't make ends meet working only part-time at KFM, so I've gone Ronin, picking up freelance jobs where I can. I've been writing for Den of Geek and working for Immortal Studios. If you follow my blog (please subscribe) I post most of my side gigs there. I only update my Ronin thread here occasionally.

    Covid numbers are on the rise here, like pretty much everywhere. I've got connects into the medical industry from my volunteer medical response work at concerts (which has been on hold all year) and I've heard two of our local hospitals are severely impacted and that hospital franchise is predicting that all of them will be so by the first week of December. Having worked MCIs, I've witnessed when emergencies services breakdown and this is very concerning. A few weeks ago, a friend lost her mom to Covid. And I just heard that my cousin's granddaughter tested positive - she's just a little baby and her mom is an MD, but she left her job at the start of the pandemic for fear of exposure.

    Now we're sheltering in place more so than ever. It's been a long haul.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #4

    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    I've been watching pandemic play out since before I launched our COVID news thread back in January of this year.

    As you all know already, the pandemic was the final nail in Kung Fu Tai Chi's print magazine. It's been since May when we announced it and I've come to terms with it personally for the most part, although I'm still getting occasional submissions from freelancers who clearly don't read the mags where they publish. I think when the pandemic ends, I'll have to process the loss of the mag once again. It wasn't unexpected. We had been struggling for years. But it was still a shocking way to go out.

    I'm still working part-time for - striving to keep our forum here alive and online (Please support MartialArtSmart when you can because that is our main source of income here). The 2020 Tiger Claw Elite Online Championship is my brainchild - an effort to bring more eyeballs to our websites, particularly our YouTube channel. It's an experiment and it's already had a few hiccups, but it's going well so far.

    I can't make ends meet working only part-time at KFM, so I've gone Ronin, picking up freelance jobs where I can. I've been writing for Den of Geek and working for Immortal Studios. If you follow my blog (please subscribe) I post most of my side gigs there. I only update my Ronin thread here occasionally.

    Covid numbers are on the rise here, like pretty much everywhere. I've got connects into the medical industry from my volunteer medical response work at concerts (which has been on hold all year) and I've heard two of our local hospitals are severely impacted and that hospital franchise is predicting that all of them will be so by the first week of December. Having worked MCIs, I've witnessed when emergencies services breakdown and this is very concerning. A few weeks ago, a friend lost her mom to Covid. And I just heard that my cousin's granddaughter tested positive - she's just a little baby and her mom is an MD, but she left her job at the start of the pandemic for fear of exposure.

    Now we're sheltering in place more so than ever. It's been a long haul.
    Oh, yes you're right about it. Take care always

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    right here.
    i'm directly watching a lot of people die. it's awesome.
    where's my beer?

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