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  1. #1
    NorthernMantis Guest


    I just got this in my e-mail today so I thought it would be agood idea to show it to you hardcore grapplers out there.

    Dear Fellow Martial Artist,

    Would you like to be a CERTIFIED INSTRUCTOR or recieve your BLACK BELT rank in BRAZILIAN JIU JITSTU and/or VALE TUDO?

    If you desire:

    RECOGNITION of your skills
    RESPECT for your hours of training
    INCREASED ATTENDANCE at your classes
    INCREASED PROFIT at your school
    then International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Vale Tudo Association can help.

    Click the above link for information and apply today.

    If you prefer not to recieve any future correspondence from INTERNATIONAL BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU AND VALE TUDO ASSOCIATION, please reply to this email and replace the subject line with "Remove

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> RECOGNITION of your skills
    RESPECT for your hours of training
    INCREASED PROFIT at your school
    then International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Vale Tudo Association can help.

    uhh I don't know much about bjj but I'm pretty sure this isn't the type of attitude they would want to teach.

    "Always be ready"

    "right, that's it!you've insulted me, and you've insulted the shaolin temple!"-Fish of Furry

  2. #2
    krome Guest
    OMG I heard about those kind of things. I never thought I would see it.

    Use what works not what looks pretty.

  3. #3
    Merryprankster Guest
    Wouldn't worry about it. The heavy competition emphasis will weed out the non-hackers. It's a put up or shut up world in BJJ and Vale Tudo.

  4. #4
    Water Dragon Guest
    Merry, go over to intheguard and read my doomsday prediction. The thread is called Just got my purple belt. Remeber how small the community still is.

    Most actions of men can be explained by observing a pack of dogs. Not wild dogs, just neighborhood dogs who all scurry under the fence on the same night and set off together to reclaim a glimmer of the glory their species possessed before domestication.

  5. #5
    Merryprankster Guest
    I understand your point, but, as an example, Judo has much less of a problem with fake black belts than say, Karate or Kung-Fu.

    First, there is no mystique surrounding them.

    Competition keeps things in the "prove it mode."

    Most importantly, there is a central organization that regulates things. In Judo, you've got the USJF, and in BJJ, whatever that organization that runs the Pan-Ams and Mundials is called. You also have teams... Gracie-Barra, Nova Uniao, etc. That, I think, helps put a dent in the problem.

    There will always be fake practicioners, nature of the beast. I think that our competition focus will minimize such things.

  6. #6
    Water Dragon Guest
    Judo is also an Olympic sport, it has large National recognition. How many people on this board do you think know about BJJ comps?

    Ever seen a Suai Chiao comp. You figure out real quick who's legit and who's not. Problem is, they're small. It is really easy to hide them from unsuspecting students.

    I hope it doesn't happen. But if it does, at least I know who the real guys are in my area.

    Most actions of men can be explained by observing a pack of dogs. Not wild dogs, just neighborhood dogs who all scurry under the fence on the same night and set off together to reclaim a glimmer of the glory their species possessed before domestication.

  7. #7
    Merryprankster Guest
    BJJ's association with Judo will help it. The Brazilian Judo guys are pretty tight with the BJJ guys. Rhadi Ferguson trains with Lloyd Irvin. The Camarillo brothers train Jiu-Jitsu.

    I think most of the people on this board are pretty aware that BJJ has a LOT of competitions in it.

    Agreed about the Shuai Chiao or however it's spelled this week... but if the fighters from that gym keep getting their asses handed to them, they'll know it's not legit.

    Nobody comes to Judo, BJJ or Shuai Chiao for inner peace, you know? Most of them come to fight.

  8. #8
    DragonzRage Guest
    This kind of phony stuff will never be as much of a problem in the jiu jitsu/submission grappling/vale tudo MMA world as it is in the rest of the MA world. And its because not all MAs have such an emphasis on real applied skill and competitions. Arts such as karate and kung fu which are generally geared more towards just practicing and perfection of the artistic side of it will attract all the phony fraudulent stuff. In the Asian martial arts business you are not automatically expected to put up or shut up. Its more a question of your lineage and position in the pecking order. Its not unusual to be able to simply give rank or certificates to any idiot and not have to answer for it. With all the different BS certification titles and belt systems, there is really no common standard to be applied. In jiu jitsu, with all the reputable teachers and fighters training out there, there is no way for you to get too far in the Bjj world by handing out rank. And if you really want to gain respect for your gym, you must do it through winning grappling or MMA competitions. Any sport or MA that is centered around comparing skill through competition will weed out frauds and know-nothings. You can't just go around saying you are a great jiu jitsu player or fight coach. If you don't have the record or the fighters to back it up with, no one will take you seriously.

    "The UFC spawned a new breed of "mixed martial artists." World-class wrestlers learned to kickbox. Champion kickboxers learned to grapple. (The karate experts learned to stay home.)"

  9. #9
    Mr. Nemo Guest
    This is exactly why kung fu needs to do more sport fighting. To weed out the fakes.

  10. #10
    Sharky Guest
    nemo for mayor

    All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

  11. #11
    Xebsball Guest
    As long as he continues to be the first with Pride results ill vote for him.


  12. #12
    krome Guest
    I like to compete in submission grappling I know I don't want to go up in level unless I am completely ready.

    Use what works not what looks pretty.

  13. #13
    chokeyouout2 Guest
    This is a good representative of why nhb and sport bjj weeds out all the idiots.You can run around all day long and convince yourself you have good chi ballz and dim mak or iron fist or whatever.That means nothing unless you are able to physically do it against a resisting opponet(s).If not it's pure conjecture and speculation.
    I don't know who these guys are but if their phonies, it will come to light soon.

    When you'r telling one of your little stories, here's a idea; Have a point, it makes it so much more interesting for the reader.

  14. #14
    Boulder Student Guest

    What a joke!!

    The McDojo owner that tries to claim a black belt in BJJ without winning numerous competitions as a brown is going to get destroyed. As soon as word gets out he is claiming a black belt, he will be tested repeatedly by every BJJ player in the REGION.

    My BJJ school is a good example. You do not advance until you can consistently apply techniques on the next belt up. So, if I want to to get a blue belt, I have to have an effective game that results in the submission of multiple blue belts before I can become a blue belt. The blue belts have to be able to apply their game consistently to Purples, etc.

    The school has been open for three years. In that time, Amal Easton, has promoted 14+ white belts to blue. Amal's blues can go anywhere in the world and represent the rank well. I have trained at Renzo Gracie's school in NY, and I was amazed at the consistency school to school.

    Performance determines rank in BJJ.If you claim rank and cannot perform, you will experience numerous embarassing lessons as the BJJ players in the region test the school.

    Buying one of those certificates might even get someone hurt.

    One must toughen up without losing one's tenderness.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    If I have a sidearm, I'm not grappling.

    Marietta Police Department Makes Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Mandatory
    By Blaine Henry 2 days ago
    With so much unrest throughout the country, the United States citizens and leaders are calling reform in police departments across the nation. The Marietta Police Department is taking steps to make some sort of change in Marietta, Georgia.

    The department announced on their website that Brazilian Jiu Jitsu will now be a mandatory class for all officers affiliated with their department. With the murder of George Floyd in Minnesota by a police officer, change has been demanded from United States citizens by police departments. The Marietta Police Department believes that ignorance is no excuse and will be taking measures to change that in their community.

    The police department is aiming to have officers stop using punches and instead incorporate grappling to subdue anyone under attest.

    The MPD has already graduated seven cadets in the program on September 27th. Now, cadets are required to take one Jiu Jitsu class a week until they reach solo status. The MPD estimates that will be approximately five months of training on average.

    Marietta Police Department also states that while this won’t replace current training the officers receive, it will be an additional tool they will have.

    Marietta Police Department Trying New Approach
    While the opinion on training officers in Jiu Jitsu is mixed, the MPD is taking a chance and taking proactive steps to make a change in how their department views social justice.

    The department received training from Humberto “Beto” Borges in their September graduating class.

    On the Gracie Breakdown, the YouTube channel of the Gracie family, they dive into a 30 minute conversation on why they believe Brazilian Jiu Jitsu would be a great fit for police officers. Watch that video below.

    While it remains to be seen if this will actually be a positive step, I, the writer of this article, think it is great that the Marietta Police Department is attempting to change in a positive direction.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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