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Thread: RIP GM Zeng Nailiang

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    RIP GM Zeng Nailiang

    世界太极拳网 5 days ago

    在当代太极拳、武术最耀眼的一片星海之中,有一颗闪耀着夺目光彩的巨星,他的周围诞生了一颗颗光彩熠熠的群 星矩阵。

    2019年8月30日,著名太极拳家、武术家、冠军教练曾乃梁先生不幸辞世。他在武术研究、推广等方面做出 了杰出的贡献,更是培养了众多优秀的世界太极拳冠军,被称为太极拳冠军“教父”。他人虽离去,但星光永远闪 耀。



    中国共产党党员、著名武术家、国务院政府特殊津贴专家、国家体育总局武术研究院专家委员会委员、福建省武术 协会监察委员会主任、福建华武功夫中心主任、中国武术九段、国家级武术教练 曾乃梁同志因病医治无效,于2019年8月30日凌晨在日本逝世,享年78岁。

    曾乃梁同志1941年出生于福州。1960年至2003年,致力于武术太极事业,创建福建省武术队并任总教 练。曾担任中国国家武术队领队兼主教练,培养了众多世界武术冠军和优秀教练员。1995年被中国武术协会和 国家体委武术管理中心评为“中国当代十大武术教练”,1993年起享受国务院特殊津贴,1996年获世界太 极修炼大会组委会授予的“世界太极科技贡献奖”。 2004年被加拿大武术联合总会授予“武术家终身成就奖”

    曾乃梁同志是新中国成立后国家培养的第一批武术研究生,一生矢志弘扬中华武学、传播太极国粹。在他的工作生 涯中,为国家培养了一批享誉国内外的世界冠军、亚洲冠军及全国冠军和举足轻重的武术界领军人才。他发表武学 著作逾百万字,丰富了中华武术宝藏。退休后,他全身心地致力传播太极、全民健身,惠及海内外众多太极爱好者 。

    曾乃梁同志的一生,是为中华武术事业奋斗的一生,是为传播和弘扬太极国粹竭尽心血的一生,是热爱祖国为国争 光的一生。

    曾乃梁同志虽然离开了我们,但他的音容笑貌永远留在我们心中,他的武学思想也会继续指导我们在武术道路上的 成长。









    [Special News] Taiji Champion "Godfather" left, leaving a brilliant starry sky
    World Taiji Boxing Network 5 days ago
    *********茫茫The universe, the celestial starry sky, the eternal heart of the eternal life.

    ********Among the most dazzling stars in contemporary Taijiquan and martial arts, there is a shining star with a dazzling brilliance. Around him, a group of radiant stars is born.

    ********On August 30, 2019, the famous Taijiquan, martial artist and champion coach Mr. Zeng Nailiang died unfortunately. He has made outstanding contributions in the research and promotion of martial arts, and has cultivated many outstanding world Tai Chi champions, known as the "Godfather" of the Tai Chi champion. Although others are gone, the stars will always shine.

    ************(Zeng Nailiang teacher)


    ********Party members of the Communist Party of China, famous martial artists, experts of the State Council special allowance, members of the Expert Committee of the State Sports General Administration Wushu Research Institute, director of the Fujian Provincial Wushu Association Supervision Committee, director of the Fujian Huawu Kungfu Center, Chinese Wushu Jiu Duan, and national martial arts coach Zeng Nailiang The disease was ineffective and died in Japan in the early morning of August 30, 2019, at the age of 78.

    *********Comrade Zeng Nailiang was born in Fuzhou in 1941. From 1960 to 2003, he devoted himself to the martial arts Taiji career, and established the Fujian Provincial Wushu Team as the head coach. He has served as the leader and head coach of the Chinese National Wushu Team and has trained many world martial arts champions and excellent coaches. In 1995, he was awarded the “Top Ten Chinese Martial Arts Coaches of China” by the Chinese Wushu Association and the National Sports Committee Wushu Management Center. Since 1993, he has enjoyed special allowances from the State Council. In 1996, he was awarded the “World Taiji Science and Technology Contribution Award” by the Organizing Committee of the World Tai Chi Training Conference. . In 2004, he was awarded the "Whourler's Life Achievement Award" by the Canadian Wushu Federation.

    ********Comrade Zeng Nailiang was the first batch of martial arts graduates trained by the state after the founding of New China. He devoted his life to promoting Chinese martial arts and spreading the quintessence of Tai Chi. During his working life, he has trained a number of world-renowned world champions, Asian champions and national champions and a leading martial arts leader for the country. He published more than one million words in martial arts and enriched the Chinese martial arts treasures. After he retired, he devoted himself to spreading Tai Chi and fitness for all, benefiting many Tai Chi lovers at home and abroad.

    *********Comrade Zeng Nailiang’s life is a life for the Chinese martial arts cause, a life for the spread and promotion of the Taiji national quintessence, and a life of cherishing the motherland for the country.

    ********Although Comrade Zeng Nailiang left us, his voice and smile will always remain in our hearts, and his martial arts will continue to guide our growth on the martial arts road.

    *********Comrade Zeng Nailiang rested in peace!****

    ************Comrade Zeng Nailiang’s Committee

    **************August 30, 2019

    (Zeng Nailiang teaches Chen Sitan)

    (Zeng Nailiang teaches Lin Qiuping)

    (Zeng Nailiang teaches Wang Erping and Gao Jiamin)

    (Zeng Nailiang and Zeng Weihong perform Taiji Push Hands)

    (Zeng Nailiang teaches Gao Jiamin)

    (Zeng Nailiang teaches foreign students)
    GM Zeng was featured on our March+April 2012 cover:
    Putting Balls into Tai Chi
    By Gene Ching with Gigi Oh

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.
    Grandmaster Zeng Nailiang 1941–2019
    By Sue Woo

    WINTER 2020

    RIP GM Zeng Nailiang
    March/April 2012
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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