If this wasn't so tragic, 'Payne'...really?

Colin Payne 'truly remorseful', pub row murder case hears
2 hours ago

Mark Bloomfield died two days after being found injured outside a pub in Swansea

A martial arts expert accused of murdering a 54-year-old man following a row in a pub is "truly remorseful", a court has heard.

Colin Payne, 61, has admitted the manslaughter of Mark Bloomfield outside the Full Moon pub in Swansea in July, but denies murder.

Mr Bloomfield was found injured outside the pub after two "ferocious" blows to the face, Swansea Crown Court heard.

The defence chose not to present any evidence and Mr Payne did not testify.

Judge Paul Thomas QC told the jury that decision was Mr Payne's "absolute right".

"The prosecution brings an allegation of murder and therefore the prosecution have to prove it. Mr Payne does not have to prove anything," he told the jury.

Jonathan Rees QC, defending, said Mr Payne accepted responsibility for Mr Bloomfield's death and "he's truly remorseful for it."

However, he said: "The prosecution goes beyond that. They set out to prove that Mr Payne acted with a murderous intent, and they ask you to conclude that they are sure of it.

"On the evidence of those two simple punches alone."

He described Mr Bloomfield's behaviour in the pub as "erratic" and "unpredictable", and said he caused a young couple to leave the pub only eight minutes after entering by making them feel "uncomfortable".

Mr Rees said Mr Bloomfield made a "gesture" with his fists towards Mr Payne and told the court it was the victim who suggested the pair step outside after a row over whether a can of alcohol touched Mr Payne's partner's back.

The incident took place in Swansea's High Street

He said Mr Bloomfield was seen "pointing to the door" of the pub on CCTV and once outside, he "turns to the left, he places his bag down and he turns to face Mr Payne".

In a police interview, Mr Payne said he "didn't want anything like this to happen".

"If I could turn the clock back, believe me I would. There's not a day goes by that I don't regret what I did," he said.

Christopher Clee QC, prosecuting, earlier told the jury Mr Payne was not acting in self defence, despite initially claiming so in a statement to police.

"At no stage was he involved with a fight with Mark Bloomfield. He was unlawfully assaulted inside and outside the pub by the defendant."

The jury was shown CCTV of a can of alcohol Mr Bloomfield was holding touching the back of Mr Payne's partner - Mr Payne is then seen arguing with Mr Bloomfield before grabbing him by the throat and throwing him to the floor.

Mr Bloomfield is then seen sitting back in his seat while Mr Payne's partner attempts to keep him away. Mr Payne then follows Mr Bloomfield outside.

A second CCTV clip showed Mr Bloomfield arguing with Mr Payne outside the premises before Mr Payne knocked Mr Bloomfield to the ground.

The court heard Mr Payne then returned to the pub while Mr Bloomfield was treated by paramedics.