My aunts and uncles would be just like this.

BMW smashes into house, old people inside keep on playing mahjong
The game must go on
by Alex Linder October 8, 2019 in News

Demonstrating that no force on Earth can disturb a group of elderly Chinese people from their mahjong game, a BMW crashed into a house in Sichuan province last week and the people inside just kept on playing.

The vehicle ended up smashing a big hole in the side of the house in Gangpu village. But were those inside concerned about the building’s structural integrity?

Evidently not as they are seen gathered around tables, calmly chatting and playing mahjong. In video from the scene, one man is heard saying that they didn’t really pay attention to what happened.

While much attention has paid to internet addiction among youngsters in China, far less coverage has been devoted to the country’s mahjong addicts. Back in 2010, mahjong players in Chengdu played on while one old man fainted, was attended to by paramedics, declared dead, and wheeled away.