Fitting for today as it is World Suicide Prevention Day.

21-year-old woman jumps to her death on Mount Emei in front of tourists
Tourists are seen trying to convince the young woman not to kill herself, but can only watch in horror as she leaps backward off the cliff
by Alex Linder September 5, 2018 in News

On Tuesday, tourists at Sichuan’s Mount Emei watched in horror as a 21-year-old woman leaped off a cliff to her death.

Footage has gone viral on Chinese social media showing tourists trying to convince the distraught young woman not to jump. Instead, they can only shout in dismay as the woman throws herself backward off the cliff.

That night, police confirmed that they had found the woman’s body and that her family had come to claim it. The family told police that the young woman had left behind suicide note in which she wrote that she was suffering from depression.

This tragedy comes after footage went viral back in July of a man unhooking his own safety harness on the infamous cliffside plank path of Shaanxi’s Mount Hua and leaping to his death, leaving fellow tourists stunned. The man’s body was not found until three days later.

Located near to Chengdu, Mount Emei is one of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains of China and an extremely popular tourist site. Back in 2015, a suicidal young man also jumped off a cliff at the top of the mountain after stopping a passerby and asking the tourist to take a photo of him.

What to do if someone you know exhibits warning signs of suicide:
– Do not leave the person alone
– Remove any sharp objects, alcohol, drugs or firearms that could be used in a suicide attempt
– Take the person to an emergency room or seek help from a medical or mental health professional
– Call the following hotlines for help: Lifeline Shanghai: 021-6279-8990 (English speakers; 10am – 10pm daily); HopeLine: 4001619995 (Chinese speakers; 24/7 toll-free access)