Q: So you only connected the dots recently?

A: Yes, only recently did I manage to connect the dots. I spoke to many people, whom I am not prepared to name at this stage. For those who know the inside story, some are not willing to face reality, some have children in the sangha or in the Edu Park, and some are comfortable with the present situation. They thought hiding the truth is better for Bliss and Wisdom. If they reveal the truth, a lot of people will have their faith completely broken. Their worlds will be shattered. After what I have told you, I think you will lose your appetite for a week, and lose sleep for a week. You will have to face the agony of having your faith broken, your lives and thoughts all turned upside down. I spoke to “the elder” (NB: identity not revealed by Ven Fan Yin) and realized the truth. “The elder” knew everything, Jin spoke to “the elder” for 10 hours in Taiwan when she visited Taiwan. “The elder” saw everything, what Jin was doing in her pyjamas with those people.

(NB: “the elder” appears to be a monk or layman holding a senior position in Bliss and Wisdom)

Subsequently, I wanted to do an intensive retreat with Rizong Rinpoche, Rizong Rinpoche agreed to help and provide support. I applied for leave from Mary Jin as she is my guru. That was 2 months ago (April 2017). I even bought my air tickets and planned to leave on 10th May. She agreed, but said that I had to go and meet her personally (NB: Mary Jin was in Singapore at that time). I wanted to go, but everyone advised against it. They told me I was finished if I went – I was sure to be confined again.

So I asked to speak to Mary Jin on the phone. She ignored my request initially. Finally, I sent her a message saying that if she did not want to hear me speak, I would reveal all her secrets to the whole world. That scared her and she immediately spoke to me on video conference. I started by criticizing her closest confidants and attendants – Novice Ru Fa (如法), Venerable Ru Qun (如群), Venerable Xing Jing (性景), and Venerable Ru Ji (如吉), revealing all their faults. She scolded them one by one, hoping to allow me to vent my frustrations. The next day, I told many teachers in BW Edu Park that I am leaving again. The teachers in Edu Park were very worried, because I practically evaporated from the surface of the earth for 7 years after going to Canada to meet Mary Jin. They wanted me to stay, so I could continue guiding them. Venerable Xing Chang (性長) advocated on their behalf – “The teachers are asking me, what if you get confined again?”, asked Ven Xing Chang. I said I can practice in isolation if I am confined again. Every adverse situation is an opportunity to practice. Just like her transgression of the vows – her behavior is teaching me how to discriminate between right and wrong.

Subsequently, all the teachers present in the meeting were warned. Mary Jin’s confidants named and shamed by me in the video conference wanted revenge. In the second video conference, Jin summoned Ven Xing Chang and I, and interrogated me angrily, “Why did you say I would confine you? This will cause many people to lose faith in me”. It can destroy her reputation. She kept scolding and scolding non-stop. I told her that was not the case, I did not tell them I would be confined. Many teachers knew about what happened seven years ago, and were concerned for me. It was Ven Xing Chang who asked me what I would do if I were confined. So I answered them honestly. Mary Jin was enraged. She said, “How could you answer like that? You should have said, you were not going to be confined.” She asked Ven Xing Chang angrily, “How could you ask that kind of question?” So Ven Xing Chang asked her, “Then what is the correct answer we should give?” That made Mary Jin even angrier, and she went on and on. Finally, it became obvious that Ven Xing Chang was against them. More on this next time.

At the third video conference, all senior monks were present, about 30 of them in Lake Mountain Campus. Jin told all of them, “The organization is in a mess now”. Jin is starting to get worried. She called Secretary-General Huang (NB: Sec-Gen Huang was appointed as the highest-ranking lay leader of Bliss and Wisdom in 2014/15, and held the position for two years before quitting. Before his appointment, he was a Buddhist but not a follower of Bliss and Wisdom) seeking a solution, “The organization is messy now, Ven Fan Yin and Xing Chang are too powerful and influential, what can we do about it?”. Sec-Gen Huang answered, “You have to face the reality now, shouldn’t you?” It was obvious that Jin was panicking and understood the crisis on hand. Not even Sec-Gen Huang could help her.

Jin tried to soothe the emotions of the senior monks by imploring them to be patient, to practice gratitude, and not to be like Ven Xing Chang. I asked, “Guru, we have something to say, the vinaya dictates that monks are not allowed to live under the same roof as women. Everyone knows this, and Rizong Rinpoche has even chastised you in the US, telling you not to live with monks and novices.” Jin started to cry and said, “They cannot leave me. If they leave me, how will they live.” It is obviously an excuse, she is the one who cannot live without them. This is a flagrant violation of the vinaya rules. When Jin heard this, she asked angrily, “What do you mean? Are you trying to drive me away? Where do I live if I don’t live here?” I said I wasn’t trying to chase her away, that I was very grateful to her contributions to this organizations and had great faith in her, but I told her, “Please do not live together with monks and novices.” Mary Jin said, “Who said we are living together? We are only living in the same building”. They are actually living on the same floor in expensive bungalows. Anyway, whatever she said was just a stone-walling tactic.

To show his support for her, Venerable Ru De (如得) started crying dramatically, and spoke a lot. It was all for show. Those are all her trusted lieutenants. Even Ven Ru Zheng (NB. former abbot) came out to say that it was very difficult for her to be the guru, she is going through a lot of difficulty for our sake….after that, I said, “Ven Ru Zheng! That’s not what you say in front of me. During the entire process you were badly abused by Ven Ru Qun and his gang, you came crying to me every day!” When he heard that, his face turned black, everyone was laughing. That’s what the monks are like now – always saying what they don’t mean.

So Mary Jin asked, who else is unhappy about her living arrangements? I said, many people outside the organization are criticizing us. A lot of people are asking me questions, and I don’t know how to answer them. So she asked, who has heard about this, who has doubts? Some people raised their hands. These people will definitely be warned and brainwashed.

The very next day, Venerable Jing Ming (净明) left hastily, because Mary Jin ordered him to go to PEI immediately. Venerable Jing Ming (净明) sensed the impending crisis, gave her an excuse and escaped. Subsequently, Jin said hysterically in an internal video broadcast, “No matter where you are, even if you travel to the ends of the earth, I will look for you.” (NB. can be interpreted as signaling concern, or a veiled threat that Mary Jin will hunt him down). She’s a very good actor. She would always start by saying, “I am here today all because of Jing Ming and Fan Yin, it was because they supported me as their guru. I will always be grateful for their contribution and support. I miss them so much. I treat them so well, why did they want to leave?” And she also said, “What Jing Ming and Fan Yin are doing is wrong. It shows that something is wrong with their guru devotion. Wherever Ven Jing Ming goes, I will look for him!” So they left no stone unturned in hunting down Ven Jing Ming.
continued next post