Inside that doc one will also find Horse Archers were the larger Bowman unit. Now, were they pulling 100 pound bows? Horse Archers can quickly become foot archers. Horses are primary targets then. What do Horsemen do ? How can they apply a smaller lighter bow effectively? Would they be using 100+ bows up close?

But it comes back to the heavy longbow. The KING on the field and it was not. And I still do not believe the whole of those guys were using 100+ bows just because some got found on the Rose.

Also, Lars proved his little toy 35 can penetrate chain. Most guys wore, chain.

As to Cormwells book, Ill see if I can find it online otherwise it is doubtful I will bother going to a library to obtain it. So were the previous historians correct or the later rethink ?

But now one see's. This historian believes this. Another that. It was likely unable to penetrate even the lightest of armour yet. Lars proved I can do it rather easily. Not all Longbows are MANBOWS, LOL. I side with the shortbows were on the battlefield. I believe much easier to train guys to be effective with lighterbows than Heavy.

I will of course have to read this DOC fully when I have more time.

Thank you for the information.