Unlike the thread starter. I never really exercised while working or walking or driving, etc.

Unconventional training which is sort of main stream now. Swinging a sledge. Chopping wood. Sawing wood. Carrying concrete bags. Hammering a tire with 22 oz. But for the most part this stuff was chores, LOL. I turned into workouts so maybe sort of like the thread starter.

Forearms, abs back and legs got a lot of work hammering/chopping stuff. Concrete( Portland cement) bags are like 90 pounds so pretty heavy for me worked arms forearms fingers traps really good.

But, Id tell most people just use weights or cals. I'm not a huge fan of isometrics. Dynamic Tension stuff is okay but again, I say weights. Chest expanders are also real good. I have a 250lb handgripper. I don't use it at all anymore. I used to be able to close it 3 times right 2 times left , all the way. I don't have big hands. I'm a small guy.