Quote Originally Posted by Sal Canzonieri View Post
Thanks for the book review!

Can you provide links to Agnes Chan's videos? A search brings up music video by some pop star of the same name, ha.
Thanks Sal - here is her youtube channel:


She teaches a number of shaolin foundational skills in english videos such as:
-Natural DanTian Breathing (自然呼吸法, also known as "natural breathing method")
-Empty Stand (虚桩, "Empty Stance") -Shaolin's most foundational exercise for "养气“ (methods that allow Qi to grow)
-Smoothing Qi, circulating qi
-Nasal Massage (more of an expedient for quick smoothing of qi)
- Shoulder Relaxing Pattern which she seems to teach as more of a "allow qi to grow method" (although it is one of many patterns that are used in teaching 自为呼吸法 ,or "Self directed breathing methods" which are shaolin's foundational method for "行气" (methods that allow Qi to be moved - which is in contrast to the methods that allow it to grow)

What she doesn't seem to cover in these IS covered in her website and in Master De Jian's youku videos like: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTA4MDcyMDAw.html

This video from master De Jian teaches 自为呼吸法 ,or "Self directed breathing methods" which are shaolin's foundational method for "行气" (methods that allow Qi to be moved - which is in contrast to the methods that allow it to grow)

Someone made a youtube playlist with her cantonese-language shaolin-basic health skills here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0n4N...7&spfreload=10

Sorry for the rushed response. I'm on the way out the door and wanted to at least throw some links up there for discussion!