They have been. Even using the PRC as an example, all those sanshou-muay thai fights and similar that they've been pushing, regardless of the starts, they've tended to continue them, anyone whose paid any attention to the PRC is aware of how important it is to them and the Chinese people to legitimately be seen as major contenders in business, sports, whatever, and the Taiwanese are no different in this. Some stuff, the two sides are in perfect agreement on.

Outside of China, you have the beginnings of an era where there are more Chinese teachers flexible enough to adapt the culture and teaching of kung fu to be fair to Americans, and American sifus qualified in a way and in greater numbers than previously by contact training unavailable as comprehensively before, at a point where the forms competitions, etc, except at the biggest events, is weakened. It's likely that some will continue the already existent move to inclusion of fights in mma and kickboxing events, as these are the formats where competition and purses at least exist.

Mind you, it might all go south, but I hope not. I think there is more useful stuff spread out all over in all the kung fu styles than any of us could hope to realize, and I think it would be a shame if it was lost.