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Thread: The 36 Chambers of the Forum

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  1. #2
    Chamber 3: YouKnowWho - If you can't out throw him, just say, "right click". and he will let you pass.

    Chamber 4: SPJ - If you cannot surpass his martial world view, sing an emotional Chinese song in a nice feminine falsetto; if you do not know Chinese, sing the word "Mothra" a few times. He will tear up and let you pass.

    Chamber 5: Jimbo - Mention a kung fu movie that he has seen and he will tear up and let you pass. Mention a kung fu movie that he hasn't seen and he will kill you on the spot. He can't handle that kinda sh!t.

    Chamber 6: -N- Just recite the Enter the Dragon banquet scene monologue like his Sifu did and he will rip your eyes out, tear up and let you pass.
    Last edited by mickey; 10-04-2013 at 12:52 PM.

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