Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
Eating spiders inspiring fear in prison? Nah, you would end up being victimized and/or stuck on the bug range(no pun intended). There is "this guy is crazy, i respect him" and then there is "this guy is crazy, get him off the range or he's gonna get hurt". Big difference between the two. Eating spiders is most likely to be viewed as the latter.

Swimming with sharks isn't as crazy as people seem to think. There's a time and place, with the right gear and attitude... anyone can do it.

I find this one far more brave...


jump ahead to about the one minute mark. Watch how she deals as they try to flank her. Her body language, her footwork. I love how she simulates prey then flips it on em and backs them off. Seems like it's only a matter of time, huh. Now that is some brave shit right there.
Well hang on a second. No one is going to mention the huge bare ass in this video?

I am disappoint.