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Mollywood packs a punch with martial arts
Asha Prakash, TNN | Aug 27, 2013, 12.00 AM IST

The superstar of Mollywood, Mohanlal, was in the news recently when he was awarded an honorary black belt in Taekwondo by the Kerala Taekwondo Association and the Korean Cultural Association, making him the first South Indian to receive the title.

The actor, who was a Gusti champion at the Veerakerala Gymkhana in 1978, takes everything he does seriously, and has been taking every opportunity possible in the past year to train in the art form. He had earlier said that inspiration from masters in martial arts like Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan helped him to do stunt scenes in films without a dupe. "Besides improving fitness and flexibility, Taekwondo, like all other martial arts, helps in strengthening the mind. It also helps build a sense of compassion," he said, adding that children should be encouraged to learn martial arts along with studies. It is to be recalled that Mohanlal had underwent training in Kalaripayattu for the film Thacholi Varghese Chekavar.
A few other Mollywood stars like Rima Kallingal, Rajeev Pillai, Babu Antony and Vinay Forrt too share his passion for martial arts.

Tuned to Chhau

A trained classical dancer, Rima Kallingal can pack a punch if needed. Rima has told us on an earlier occasion that she is trained in Kalaripayattu as well as Chhau, a tribal martial dance popular in Orissa and West Bengal. In her upcoming film, Escape from Uganda, the actress does all the stunts herself, for which her martial arts training greatly helped, she says. "I was totally excited to do the daredevil stunts and gave my 100% for it," says Rima. Well, something which actresses in Malayalam don't usually say!

Kicked about Kalaripayattu

During his theatre days, Vinay Forrt learnt a bit of everything, although he isn't trained in any martial art form. "I've learnt Kalaripayattu, Taekwondo and Karate during my theatre days. Kalaripayattu training helps a lot in theatre, and it came in handy in my film Prabhuvinte Makkal," says the actor and adds that he incorporates martial arts in his daily exercise routine. "The meditation in Tai Chi is something I do on a daily basis. I recommend martial arts to everyone, not just actors," he says.

Karate kid

Babu Antony is probably the only actor who is a professional martial artist with years of training behind him. The actor reveals that he has been training for the past 20 years now and has acquired a 'fifth Dan' black belt in Karate. "I started off with Kalaripayattu and then turned to Karate, and later to mixed martial arts." A training in martial arts gives you flexibility and an ability to mould yourself into a character, something which forms the base of an actor or dancer, he says. "Martial arts endow you with the grace of a dancer and the speed of a panther, they say. And you can see the difference between a stunt scene involving an actor trained in martial arts and others. In Malayalam films, you only see the impact of the hero's punch, not the momentum or action." He also rues the fact that black belts are now being given away to those who aren't really trained. "It takes at least five years of intensive training to reach even the 'first Dan' black belt, but everyone seems to be getting a black belt these days."
Hooked on Parkour
Rajeev Pillai is one actor who regrets not having learnt martial art forms from childhood. "I was not allowed to learn any of these. But recently I learnt something called Parkour, which helps tremendously if you are doing stunts in films. Parkour is a holistic training discipline, in which practitioners move quickly and efficiently past obstacles using no props. You see Parkour in films like Casino Royale, where they jump from one building to another without ropes. I have tried it out," he says. The actor, who is into intensive fitness training, is planning to learn kick boxing soon.