Jackson kids

Just Prince

Martial Arts Masters Prince & Blanket Jackson Cool Down With Some Iced Drinks!
7/17/2013 6:58 PM ET

They're brothers! Give 'em a high five!

Prince Jackson and his lil' bro Blanket were spotted in Calabasas, California where they looked to cool off from the hot sun by slurping down some nice and cold drinks from Starbucks.

Great choice, guys!

The two had both come from a class where they practiced some martial arts! Blanket is a BIG karate fanatic, and apparently Prince gets his karate chop on from time to time. The older brother was sporting a Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy t-shirt.

No one better mess with these two lads.

Unless they want their butts kicked!!!

Keep on keeping on you two!!!