Although the lkfmdc vs. ngokfei flame war was getting amusing. I always enjoy watching you two spar.

Quote Originally Posted by ngokfei View Post
After getting my butt chewed out from numerous individuals - some I actually value their opinion - I'll admit my calling Gene a "Racist" was way out of line and so I apologize for making such a ignorant remark. There - Human I am Human I'll remain.
Apology accepted.

Quote Originally Posted by ngokfei View Post
As for the magazine your just an employee so I can't really hold you to blame for toting the company line.
True. I try to make it a habit not to **** in my own nest. However, this is a family-run company and I stand outside the bloodline. And anyone who knows me knows that I'm the one chuckling at the Emperor's new clothes. If you only knew how often I am at odds with the company over some trivial issue - I'm surprised they let me keep my job.

Yu Zhenlong did ask to see the results, as would I have in his shoes. He just left the school he was working at and struck out on his own, so he was hungry and figured he had it in the bag. I must say, I did too. His qixing was beautiful - head and shoulders above everyone else who took the stage. But he accepted the judge's decision gracefully. It was a very surprising moment.