Quote Originally Posted by MasterKiller View Post
I think he just surrounds himself with sycophants now.

He seems to have forgotten than his ex wife edited the originals, Lawrance Kasdan and Irving Kirshner directed two of them, and the scripts for all three were written and/or polished by several writers.

This whole move seems like a temper tantrum anyway. He got ****y when a reporter asked him about new movies and said "Why would I make movies everyone hates me for?" or something to that effect,
i dont see this as a temper tantrum...i see him just passing the torch... to see what other filmmakers will do with it. just like he did when he let the books, and comic come out and when he let all the parodies happen.

all i want to see is..harrison ford back as an old han solo, and mark hamil back as an old luke skywalker... with one eye. like in the original piece of **** script,.