it wasnt ego, it was more of maintaining a brand, and he was smart in doing that... lead to a 21billion dollar fortune for him. im going to repost what i just explained to a friend.

(repost from FB)

"i see why george did it thou...he wanted to make more star wars films... but i guess he is feeling his mortality, and he wanted to know the brand would live forever...and the way disney structures its compartmentalizes and autonomizes the various brands it owns...marvel while yes is owned by disney, runs its own ship.. lucas films will be the same way...just how miramax was back in the day....except they will be keeping an eye on the profit sharing(which they didnt with miramax, harvey and his baby bro, were getting the lions share of all the revenue made from their movies). so i think lucas films will actually be putting out a better brand of films now that its not all coming out of georges pocket."


"thats what it looks like...if you notice, since the advent of youtube, he has loosened his grib on the star wars monopoly. having literally thousands of parodies, being made, back in the day if that was done those people would have been sued. instead he saw that, oh ****...look at all theses kids where born almost 30 years after the first star wars and still in love with it. he has always been a futurist in terms of cinema, so he saw the future."

so im now declaring this a good thing... i hope they bring back ford and hamil, as han and luke. stay away from the books, and make the story entirely original. id love to see an older luke, with the skill of obi wan and the wisdom of yoda. and a old han solo still hard as nails and badass. as for leia... unfortunatley carry fisher has not kept up her appearance, and its not just because of age. drugs, bad health etc. maybe get helen mirren to play love that. or just kill her off entirely.

the film i feel should focus on the next generation. the children of han and leia. it would be awesome.