I just saw this, my impressions were that it was a very visually appealing movie, the sets, the costumes, the special effects, Crystal Liu...fight scenes were well done and entertaining. There just wasn't enough action for my liking, lots of typical Chinese intrigues, which is fine but they should have added more action sequences. A lot plot energy was focused around a supposed love triangle between Crystal Liu, a rival female martial artist Jiang Yiyan, and a lone wolf constable, Leng Lingqi.

I never got any really sense of chemistry, romance between the three of them other than some catty looks between the ladies. I thought it would have been bold of them to include a love scene with physically challenged, yet beautiful 'Emotionless' (Crystal) but it never surfaced. She was true to her character's name.

And perhaps that was my biggest gripe about this film, it lacked passion. Most of the characters seemed 'emotionless' to me, very dead panned performances. Nobody to truly attach yourself to, someone to root for or against. Lots of potential, I enjoyed the psychic powers aspect and supernatural undead story lines, perhaps if they make a sequel we'll get more for our buck.