I was always told that there were only 2 races of people. White folk and them what want to be white. Racism is present in all races. Bigotry is a common occurance amongst all cultures. Most racial groups have their racial leaders. And if one of their number gets killed, they will most always yell racism. Blacks kill more blacks, hispanics kill more hispanics, and whites kill more whites than any other races. But when one of their numbers gets it from another race, there is always going to be someone to yell racism. It happens all the time.
I grew up during a time when society was segrigated. If you were not white you did not get to ride in the front of a bus, drink at the water fountains in public areas, eat in a cafe with white customers, all sorts of things like that. For what it is worth, asians were all considered to be japanese, and it was very shortly after a war with them. Everyone clearly remembered the atrosities they committed, and even though the chinese hated them just as much, the chinese were lumped with them. I could not enter the front door of an eating establishment, drink from a water fountain in public, or ride in the front of a bus. Racism will always be with us, and we can not force others to abandon their racist opinions.