There's a lot of people out there who couldn't give a rat's @$$ about Trayvon Martin, but who will use this incident as an excuse to riot or commit other crimes. Then they continue to reinforce and give even more truth to the stereotypes which they claim are baseless.

As for who may also use this event to push some agenda, that was my thought when the shooting happened at the Korean school in Oakland a few days ago. It sure doesn't seem like the original excuse given that he was "picked on because of his poor English" is even close to valid when all of his victims were also Asian immigrants.

Not to get too off-track, but I find it interesting that the Martin-Zimmerman incident has completely blown the "Kony 2012" thing out of the headlines. BTW, the intersection where the guy behind the Kony film had his big meltdown is one I pass through every day to and from work.