Quote Originally Posted by SavvySavage View Post
Hebrew Hammer,
You have the right to ask to speak to an American and they have to switch you over. If not they can be fined a lot of money. It's not offensive at all really because there's nothing wrong with wanting to speak with someone you understand. If you don't understand the American operator then you're screwed!

Hebrew hammer has good points. Every country had/has Indiginous people that wrestle. Brazil has them. African countries has them. Mongolia has them. And every country has a history of martial traditions. So what? This does not mean they are known for being good. The Olympics is the borometer for international competition. Hebrew Hammer for President!

If I find an obscure reference about a wrestler from Kazistan who beat an American or Japanese player does that mean Kazistan is know for anything other than the country Borat isn't really from? Watch Frost find a Wikipedia entry about how Kazistan is know for this or that. Lol.

Fine. India doesn't care about the Olympics. Until they compete and win internationally in front of the world all the other stuff is less important when discussing proof about athletic endeavors. The Gurkhas? Really? Mma people make fun of Kung fu people for not competing in open mma and wc for only fighting against themselves. This is the same argument Hebrew hammer is making about India. If they can compete against themselves and be considered good than king fu people are good too based on the same logic.

Really??? Seriously.... Really?

Your knowledge base and your spelling are horrible.

The Olympics are not and never will be a global yardstick of athletic ability. The Olympics measure one thing and one thing only. How much any given nation wants to win at the Olympics.

Do people here actually believe that Indians are genetically less athletic than other places that score more gold at the Olympics? Because that is what defines athletic ability, after that it simply comes down to desire. I argue that any culture with the desire and means to win gold can and will. Do you really disagree with that? And I'm not talking about India alone, I'm talking about everywhere, anywhere. Unless the whole talent pool is physically defective in some way that prohibits competition in any particular sport they have very similar potential. Ok so a race of Pygmies can't beat the USA basketball team, obviously, but there's no reason why China can't. And compared to the average American they are quite short, but certainly they can find enough tall players and even lil cats that can really ball to win. If China said "we are gonna put every resource at our disposal in to creating a Chinese dream team that will take gold", they could.

And I use China as an example because they are a perfect example of a nation that buys Olympic gold.