The Kid From Kwangtung (KFK).

This was released by Bonzai/Red Sun, but the quality is excellent, for a bootleg release. In fact, it's on a par with the legitimate Shaw/Celestial releases by Dragon Dynasty, Media Blasters, etc. There were no 'hitches' or any 'tiling' on this DVD, and it has working options for languages, subs, etc., which some early Bonzai/Red Sun releases claimed to have, but didn't.

I would definitely prefer a 'legitimate' release, but since there seems to be no rush by the official companies to release some (lots) of the Shaws, this will be fine until it sees an 'official' release, if it ever does. Many Shaw Bros movies have been officially released on DVD, many of them excellent. But also, lots of mediocre to bad Shaws have been released, whereas many good, or at least more entertaining/marketable Shaws remain in limbo. Although the story is pretty typical and much of KFK's comedy is a bit lame, I've wanted to own it for its fight scenes since I first saw it almost 30 years ago. It's still my favorite Hwang Jang-Lee performance.

9/10 (for the fights).