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Thread: Our New White Crane Gongfu Web Site ... Finally "On the Air!"

  1. #1

    Our New White Crane Gongfu Web Site ... Finally "On the Air!"

    New WCRI Official Web Site Launched!

    Over the last few months I have been very busy working on an all new Web Site for the White Crane Research Institute Inc. Finally our new Web Site has been officially launched and is “On the Air!”

    The old web address will be used to launch a "World Alliance of Chinese Kung Fu/China Combat Sports Association Australian Branch" Web Site in the near future.

    Please take the time to look over the pages within the new web Site and yes you can even sign our Guestbook!

    Pleas post here if you wish and let me know your thoughts (but be nice!)

    You can visit the All new, Official WCRI Web Site by clicking on the link below:

    Ron Goninan
    China Fuzhou Zhenlan Crane Boxing Australia
    White Crane Research Institute Inc
    A seeker of the way

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Very nice.... Looks like you put a lot of work into it !


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    NW Arkansas
    I don't know much about you. Only what i've caught here and there. I know that on at least one occassion your credibility was called into question. However, I know nothing about your credentials or training. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt unless I know better.

    I find the fact that you have a very wordy page on your website titled "controversy" kind of disconcerting, though.

    I could not give a proverbial rat's bum about them or their opinions!
    If you truly didn't care, why would you have put so much time and effort into a rebuttal? I don't get it.

    Essentially, you're throwing up your own red flag that is going to give potential new students second thoughts about your school. At least, if I was searching for a new school, i'd probably steer clear of anyone with something like that posted on their website. Seems unprofessional to me.

    Just an observation.
    It is better to have less thunder in the mouth and more lightning in the hand. - Apache Proverb

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Hobart Tasmania - Australia
    Agreed - people/potential students, anyone who has a clue can smell that a mile off...

    Just being frank..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Huntington, NY, USA website:
    Yep. I agree with Frank and James.
    "Methinks the lady doth protest too much...."
    You are overly concerned with um...not being concerned..?
    Yeah, we all know the politics and mudslinging. Just let it go. There is no need to even address it-especially on your website.
    "My Gung-Fu may not be Your Gung-Fu.
    Gwok-Si, Gwok-Faht"

    "I will not be part of the generation
    that killed Kung-Fu."


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Pound Town
    werent you the guy that went around the internet in 2003 asking people to translate white crane instructional books for you?

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    In a house

    Pak Mei

    Above your logo (on the linked page) why is there a Pak Mei salutation?

    Also it's been taken from the cover of "Pak Mei: A Dedication" by Robert Yandle:

    Just an observation.
    Tung Kong Hakka Chow Gar Naam Pai Tong Long

  8. #8
    Guys really don't have the time for this but here goes .........

    Thank you!

    JamesC: Don't know that much about you either! Don't believe everything you see or read on the Internet! most people know that by now. A little about me: Firstly mate, I don't want anyone to put me on some sort of pedestal, it just makes it higher for me to fall when I f#@k up! There have been many who questioned my "pedigree" (like it's supposed to be something that's important! .... Go figure!). Non of these critics have ever met me or left the comfort of their keyboard to come and see what it is I do. Over the years I have seen articles, web postings, discussion boards etc about my teachings ... What I say to all this who cares? The proof is in the pudding and on the floor of my training hall in what and how I teach and communicate/interact with others. All the rest, well its all Bull@#t! Have I divided the martial arts community with my opinions, Hell yes!

    Having a page called "Controversy" is me simply addressing what I see as being so much Bulldust within the so called "Martial Arts" world. far too many "Martial Artists" (I'm not one by the way, I am a "Martial Seeker" - There is a difference!) get carried away with their own self importance and so called "Professionalism" to the point that their honesty flies out the window and they become "snake Oil" salesmen.

    With me ... What you see is what you get and I'm not about to put on some bull@#t act just to get you to come and train with! ... Plenty of other Martial Arts schools out there!

    My site is not meant to be "professional" ..... What in the blue hell is that anyway!

    Blacktiger: Thanks buddy, appreciate your opinion. Please see above.

    TenTigers: Thanks for your comments. Me protest? Of course! That's it in a nutshell ..... "protest", "make some noise", raise some opinions, stop "playing it safe" & "professional which really equates to "marketable". If it makes just one person think and maybe question then I'm down with that! But me being concerned about what others have to say ... sorry buddy but you and I don't know each other. You sound like a nice guy so don't get all bent up out of shape over it all. maybe if you actually knew me you'd see it a little differently? ..... Who knows?

    Bawang: Now here's a guy I get! A Martial Rebel! Bawang I've never claimed to speak, read or write fluently in either Japanese/Okinawan or Chinese in its many forms. Hell man I have enough trouble with English and I come from a Cornwall and French heritage!

    Charp choi: Hey thanks for the heads up. I was not aware of that, just a nice image I found "googling images on the net. Will change that in the next few days!

    Guys, I am a great believer in the Martial/Life philosophy of my mate Erle Montaigue. My students (fellow seekers) don't blindly follow me down some gilded "Yellow Brick Road'. They don't jump down the "Rabbit Hole" to wonderland to martial arts awareness. I openly encourage them to question everything and believe nothing other than their own hearts and experiences including that which I share with them. I tell go on the Web, that wonderful repository of "True " Martial Arts knowledge (I'm joking!), look up my name, read through all the "stuff" out there and then see what we do on floor and how I treat people in everyday life and then make up their own minds. You know what .... they are all Good People and that's just fine with me!

    Ron Goninan
    China Fuzhou Zhenlan Crane Boxing Australia
    White Crane Research Institute Inc
    A seeker of the way

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Never give your detractors more ammo.
    I would remove that whole rant. Just scrub it.
    That's not your focus, don't let others think it is.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Skid Row Adjacent
    After reading through your site I didn't learn anything about White Crane at all. On the other hand I did learn a lot about Ron Goninan.

  11. #11
    Thank you all for your comments .. really!

    Ultimately it's all your choice and that's the wonderful thing about being human after all! I welcome your views, I really do! But I also want to explain my own without you or others taking offence or discouraging me from my own self expression.

    What's of importance is different to many people. To my critics (yeah I have a few) they have issues that are not all focussed on "Martial Arts Training". My training is very important to me. Being up-front is also important to me as in this way people know what they are getting and able to make their own choices. Again the wonderful thing about being human!

    David Jamieson:Hey great to you regarding the politics. I pretty much agree but I don't run and hide from such things. I address it from my point of view so others can make up their own minds. I'm not out to change the world or the martial arts .. that's simply to big of a job ... but I am out to make people think, question and think again. If I have made that happen and it would seem I have from your reply and the replies of others then that's great! Far too many within the martial arts blindly follow for fear of finding themselves ... that's not me!

    Wenshu: Try here:

    Maybe you missed this page?

    Thanks for the discussion. maybe you'd like to revisit the site and read all its contents and then maybe you might change your view or maybe not. At the very least you'd have a better understanding then you do now ... hey you may even find something small of value or interest!

    All the best to you and no hard feelings ......................

    Ron Goninan
    China Fuzhou Zhenlan Crane Boxing Australia
    White Crane Research Institute Inc
    A seeker of the way

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Chicago, IL
    I found the site way to dense and way to slow to load (those buttons don't exactly click easy in Safari) to bother reading much of it. Obviously a LOT of work went into it, but it is not exactly user friendly. I'd try getting to points faster with less fluff.

    Although that silver outfit - reminded me of the lining of a pizza delivery bag - was pretty far out. And I mean that sincerely despite my odd comparison.

    Pre-order Kung! Twisted Barbarian Felony from your favorite comic shop!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    North, strong and Free
    My initial impression was that it didn't give me the feeling that if i was in the area i might come by a check out your place. Is the purpose of the site to be used as advertising to attract new students? I also found that there was too much info on there and may detract from the purpose of the site. Maybe a condensed version that is quicker to load may help you serve your purpose.

    And yes, i agree with others in getting rid of the rant about any controversies you may have ahad before. Sets a bad vibe on the whole thing.

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